f1 visa administrative processing. please please advise.


New Member
I have got admission to the MBA programe and when I had been for the visa at the delhi consulate, Initially the consular said I have been give visa and asked me to pay fees, but later when I was paying the fees again called me and said my case needs administrative processing. I had been to visa office on Dec 11 2003 and no news till date. What can I expect. please advise.

Is there any specific timeline to wait for this?

Please advise me as to what I can do about this?

Administrative processing does not have any timeline. Many who got it and posted never came back to post their experiences again here in this forum (or I have missed it). Sorry.
But dont give up hope. Find out from your MBA school about whether you can join later and catch up etc.
Your name matched one in their "list".
thanks so much jaxen fot giving me confidence.
i have requested my school and have my admission for next semester. but i am hoping atleast that i can get through with this atleast by july coz my fall semester starts in august.

is there anything that can be done to expedite?
