F1 to J1


Registered Users (C)
My question is whether it's possible to change F-1 to J-1. The thing is I am starting my OPT soon and I have already got a postdoc position in the university. That university prefers not to make H1B for postdocs, unless it's the only option, and wants to give me the J-1 status after my opt expires.

I head that now it's a new regulation which does not allow to obtain another J-1 right after previous J-1 (should be 12 months gap or something). At the same time I remember seeing that this rule relates to F-1 as well, i.e. you can not get J-1 right after F-1. is it true? if yes, could you give me some official URLs where it's indicated.

Thanks a lot
I head that now it's a new regulation which does not allow to obtain another J-1 right after previous J-1 (should be 12 months gap or something).
that depends on the category of J-1.

At the same time I remember seeing that this rule relates to F-1 as well, i.e. you can not get J-1 right after F-1. is it true?