F1 to H1 - if h1 will be denied will I lose F1?


New Member
I have F1 visa and I am studding. However, there is a company that doesnt require from me finishing school to hire me. So, they want to apply for my H1.

If my H1 application will be denied, will I lose my F1?
I am still at school and I have 3 more years to graduate, but It is my dream to work now for this company.

Please advice me, do I risk my F1?
I would advice to go over the requirements of H1b carefully:

As far as I know, Bachelor's degree is a minimum for any H1b position. F1 usually has option for OPT or CPT. If H1b is not a possibility, you can look into those options but that means you have to stay in F1 and probably finish the degree for OPT.

I am not sure if you can simultaneously hold F1 and H1b status. Probably not.