F1 student applying for TN


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Hello all,

I am currently a F1 graduate student.I receive an internship offer for next semester which requires me to take a semester off since it will be a full time position.I am planning to file a COS to TN so I will be able to work for about three months.

My concern is if the USCIS deny my COS,will I have problems continuing my degree as a F1?Although I really want to do the internship,I don't want to take the risk that I might not be able to finish my program.

Thank You.:)
I was in a similar situation as you. I was half way through my graduate school when I received a job offer. I am not sure what COS means but as far as I know, once you received your TN, your F1 is no longer valid. Once you finished your internship, your TN will expire and you'll have no legal status to remain in the U.S. to finish your degree.

COS is change of status.
If I am able to get the TN and complete the internship,I can apply for F1 again to finish the program right?My internship is going to end in March,so I guess I can probably come back in May for the summer session.

My major concern is if they deny my TN,I can't come back/stay under F1.
Yes. If you are still at the F1 stage, and not OPT, you can go back and forth.

In fact, if you want to keep working, you can go to school on TN, just check with the school.
Once you finished your internship, your TN will expire and you'll have no legal status to remain in the U.S. to finish your degree.

I think godppo is thoughtful, you have to think if you can easily switch back and forth between the 2 status. The economy is still bad now, and won't be fully recovered in another 6 month or so at least. Unless you are about to graduate, otherwise there is no extreme hurry.
If you study science or engineering, once you've finished all your experiments for your thesis, then you can start looking. Because the graduation date is under your control, and companies usually like to hire people who finished schools - more dedicated!
Of course, you still have to evaluate the situation yourself.
If you don't mind going through the hassle of re-applying for F-1 (and if you are confident that you will get re-admitted by your program), then taking on the 3 months internship offer on TN is perfectly fine.

At first I used OPT for my current job which I continued with TN after OPT expired. I risked the chance of not being able to finish my degree for switching to TN visa (you are to leave the country as soon as your job is terminated, not done with school and no F-1? tough luck). I don't know if I'll do the same thing if it's only a temp position. But then only you know what's the best option for you.

Good luck!
Te switch from TN t o F1 is painless. Obviously the internship would be aprt of one's program, so I don't see the any problem switching back.

One should not use OPT until one is finished degree, in my opinion, so that may be where godppgo had is worries.
Thank you so much for all the replies :)
I will probably try applying TN for the internship.I am hoping to get a full time employment from there:cool: