F1 Stamping in canada


Registered Users (C)
Hello Friends,
I urgently needed any inputs/experiences regarding getting F1 stamped in canada. I am currently on H4 visa but would like to get it converted into F1. I know I have a choice of AOS requiring me to apply from here.. but for some reasons its not suitable in my case. Please let me know:

1. whether I can go to Canada for H4 to F1 stamping.
2. If for some reasons, they do not issue me F1... can i still come back on my valid H4 visa.

Please help ..

Thanks in advance
I went to Torronto for getting F1 stamped for my wife. This is before 2 and half year. She was already having F1 approval here. It was just stamping.

She was also having H4 when we went there. It was very easy process.

I am not sure, but if F1 get rejected, I think you can enter to USA with multiple H4 in passport.

Hope this helps.
I "renewed" (technically wrong term) my F1 in Canada in 2002 summer. A lot of rules had been changed during the previous year and no one really knew how "safe" it was to attempt to do so in Canada at the time. My previous visa was about expiring, so I prepared to go back to my country in case the new one was denied. Luckily, it turned out to be extremely easy and I got a new one without any hassle.

However, retrospectively, I think that was the time when things were somehow relatively calmed down. Since then, the rules and practices have gotten tightened, based on what I have read and heard.

Also, if I recall correctly, BCIS officers at the border have a right to refuse foreigners, who temporarily get out to Canada in order to get a US visa and are denied, to reenter the US.

If you decide to apply F1 in Canada, please prepare meticulously. Also, prepare for the worst case scenario--having to go back to your country.

Good luck, and we appreciate if you share the outcome with us.
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