F1 discontinued Lucy Mo & experts please help


New Member
I had landed in the US on August 11 2001 for my Masters course.I unfortunately could not complete the course & i discontinued after 2 semisters.The last semister i had attended college was spring 2002 (January - May 2002).I worked in my college library for about four months during the summer semister (may-august 2002) but did not register for the the fall semister(i.e september 2002).I did not attend the fall semister and left to my home country on Jan 21 2003.There was a gap of 4 months (gap between fall sem 2002 - jan 22 ' 2003 date of leaving) for which i did not attend college and was out of status before leaving to my country.

My questions
1) From when was i out of status?? Is it from September '02 to Jan 21 '03 or from may 02 to jan 21(including the summer break where i worked on campus).If the summer vacation is not counted then it means i left the US in 4 months which is not an overstay and im ok ...My Visa validity is from 2001 August to 2006 august and the DOS on my I 20 is till 2005 august.

2) Im applying for H1 visa now,did i break any F1 laws cause i heard u can stay for a period of 5 months after loosing your stautus before leaving home anything more than that you will be de barred for entering US for 3-10 years.
3)I did work on campus for the summer months but did not take any courses because it is not compulsory for us register for classes during summer months.So thats not a problem and it was legal work on the campus library..please let me know if i have over stayed in the US cos im unable to figure out if i was out of staus for 4 months or 7 months.??

P.S anybody who has suggestions please drop a line..
I read about the 5 months overstay, but it was long time back.

But I am pretty sure, if you have maintained full-time status for 2 complete semesters, you have an option of taking a vacation in the 3 rd semester. Which means, you are completely in status during summer.

Good Luck!