f-1 student gc lottery


New Member
I am a PhD student with F-1 visa. I have some questions about GC lottery procedures. AS F-1 is a non-immigrant visa any immigrant intent may cause cancellation of F-1. I have recieved GC lottery wining letter but I have read some people didn't get appointment for GC interview or some others didn't approved for GC. Since I am a PhD student in engineering sciences I was planing to follow H-1-----gc PROCESS which is painful. Not having permanent resident status has some some disafvantages like not being eligible to apply to some GOV supported jobs.
Do you think sending my documents to Kentucky office may hurt my F-1 status?
Why some people not approved to GC although they win the lottery( with a clear history: take into account I am graduate research assistantship I have been a tax-payer since 2007, is it possible for me to be declined?)

In what conditions people are not appopinted for interview? Not being appointed but sending documents means immigrant intent- is it gonna be a problem for my F-1

Which route is better: concular processing or plying to immigrant office for change of status in US.

Hey Gregorian,
Congrats on your winning. May I ask where you are from? I believe you won dv 2010.
I know one girl from my school. She won last year, submitted documents to KCC, got her GC. Everything was OK for her. But, sorry, I can't answer any of your questions.