F-1 Reinstatement


New Member
My I-20 expired on May 25, 2007 and I am out of status. I have already signed up for an extension class for the summer before I receive my Masters Degree. I am also working all the paperwork for Reinstating my F-1. How hard of a process is this, would they reinstate this if I give sufficient proof? How long does it take? I have been in good academic standing all throughout.

help , I have 45days to decide opt expired f1 reinstatement

my opt stopped in jul 07. i stopped working and then went back as i encountered financial and health issues( need consistent health insurrance for past and future surgeries) .
I could not go back to my country where we have high political tensions and my life is clearly in danger .
I applied to a school for my master, got accepted but they want me to reapply as my sevis was transfered after the 60 days period , i am still in my 5 month window.ending in 1 week

Before reinstatement do they checked if you worked? I also already had a reinstatement in 2001( reason was political issues in my country) that took me a 3 years to be in reinsstated
What are my options ? my chances to be reinstated?

If i am going with the reinstatement and get denied , i will not go back until my surgery is done and I recover.what are the risks with my job?

ps: my fiance is us citizen
ps: my fiance is us citizen[/QUOTE]

I guess u can get married to her if u want to save urself all this hassle.
help out of status f1

I could get married to my fiance . I'm a women but even thoug I love him I am not sure he is ready and marriage mean too much for me to just do it. He has some issues and I am helping him getting better but getting married will be another story. Is it my only option? I really want to get back with f 1 status and then go and get married in my country in all freedom next year. I just want to know the risk with reinstatement ? should i do it or not....?
I am in the same situation. did u finaly aply for reinstatement and what excuse did you use? how long after your application did u received an answer?