F-1 Out of Status, can one accept a job?


New Member
Good day. I am currently out of status (previously had a valid F-1) for approximately 4 and a half months. I have been offered a job at a start up company. Can I apply for a work VISA while in the USA and out of status? Most likely it will be a H2-B visa. I look forward to a response.

Thank you
When you try to change your status using Form I-539, think it will be problem. You will be barred from coming back to the US for three years if you go home after accruing unlawful presence here for more than 180 days and up to a year. You will be barred from coming back to US for 10 years if you go home after accruing unlawful presence here for more than a year.

And US Work visa depends on the fiscal cap count.
I seriously doubt that you will be granted a work visa as you are out of status - meaning you shouldn't be in the US in the first place. Being out of status also seriously hampers your chances of getting back into the country should you decide to leave. So to answer your question, I'm sorry but I don't think you will be granted a work visa.