Extension of visitors stay


Registered Users (C)
Hello friends:

I am preparing the documents required for extending my mom's stay and trying to get the ticket. Unfortunately, I am getting waiting listed from Frankfurt to Chennai. Is that OK to send the itinery which is waitlisted (though CHI to Frankfurt is confirmed).

Is the itinerary is enough along with I-539 application as support for travel arrangements.

I appreciate your comments.

Regret to see that no one seems to readily have experiences that relate to your question. You are likely to get a better response rate on the visitors visa forums. Have you tried there?
I dont Think you will have a problem

When I sent extension paper for my mom, She had come from India through Sabina Airlines and the Airline went bankrupt during her stay here.

We just sent an Itenary of her tentaive schedule to INS. But any way if you had followed my previous message, INS just approved for one month so I would say do not confirm any tickets and INS is not expecting it before their approval.

Hope this helps