Extension of Stay for my parents


New Member
My parents had a stamp on their I-94 which was valid for 6 months. When that was about to expire, they applied for a 6 month extension of stay, but only got a 3 month extension. The extension was granted till October 2002.

So, they once again reapplied for another 3 month extension. We got a reply stating that we would get a decsion in 28-30 days.

However, we have not yet received a Yes/No from the INS yet. Is it OK to continue the stay for another 3 months? Are you considered to be in status as long as you do not receive a negative reply from the INS?

They have a 10 year visa till 2006.
Please advise,
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Unless the extension application is denied for being not eligible to file for the extension (like it was filed after expiration of previous stay) the applicant's status is considered extended until decision. However, if one requests 3 months' extension and does not receive an answer with in 3 months of the previous ending day, the extension is completed and either ANOTHER EXTENSION should be requested before the end date or the applicant should make arrangements to return home...