extending the extension request


New Member
To the people who requested and got B2 extensions for six months, did you specifically request six monthe or less? I did the mistake of requesting 4 months now my parents want to stay for the full six months. A friend said that even if you request 4 months INS give you six months. Is this the standard?

Further, I am thinking of wirting a letter (referencing the case number) to change the requested time frame form 4 to 6 months. Is this OK. :confused:
B2 Extension

You don't need to send any letter for changes on time , Since they will either approved or not denied , but if they do it will be for a full 6 mths .

In my case, I requested the extension until a specific date (it was 5.5 months from the original date) and the new I-94 was valid until the date I requested. So it is not necessarily true that 6 months is automatic.

As we feared the extension was granted only for 4 months (I am really regretting not having asked for the full six months). My parents have to leave by the 17 of June. What are the chances of requesting another extension for 2 months (that make their stay 1 full year)?

Most probably the when the decision comes they would have left the US. If at that point the decision comes back with a denial would have out of status for 2 months?