Experts, advice needed to get Canadian Landing Stamp, eventhough I got USA GC.


Registered Users (C)
Dear Experts,

I have got USA Green card this month. And I will get my canadian landing paper within 1 month.

My brother(He is 27) is planning to apply for Canadian PR.
So, If I have Canadian landing stamp. He can get 5 extra points under adaptability (on brother is in Canada).

So, I am planning to visit Canada and get 'landing stamp' on my passport.

I have already I-551 stamp(USA Greencard) on my passport.

When I will enter in Canada, Can my USA GC affect 'Landing Process to Canada' ?

When I will enter in Canada, Can 'landing stamp of Canada' affect my USA GC ?

When I will enter back in USA, Can 'landing stamp of Canada' affect my USA GC ?

What way I should choose to enter in Canada(Air or Road-detroit) ?

Please guide me, it will help my brother to increase his points and me to maintain my USA GC.


Originally posted by vsshah
Dear Experts,

I have got USA Green card this month. And I will get my canadian landing paper within 1 month.

My brother(He is 27) is planning to apply for Canadian PR.
So, If I have Canadian landing stamp. He can get 5 extra points under adaptability (on brother is in Canada).

So, I am planning to visit Canada and get 'landing stamp' on my passport.

I have already I-551 stamp(USA Greencard) on my passport.

When I will enter in Canada, Can my USA GC affect 'Landing Process to Canada' ?

When I will enter in Canada, Can 'landing stamp of Canada' affect my USA GC ?

When I will enter back in USA, Can 'landing stamp of Canada' affect my USA GC ?

What way I should choose to enter in Canada(Air or Road-detroit) ?

Please guide me, it will help my brother to increase his points and me to maintain my USA GC.



You have posted this message in the wrong group. This is meant for CP. You might want to try Just FYI, screwing around like this may end with both governments considering you as a resident of the other country.

yes you can

I checked with canadian immigration offices - even though you have US GC you can still land in Canada. However to maintain canadian immigrant status you cannot remain outside canada for more than 6 months unless you get a returning resident permit. In effect you have canadian landed immigrant status for atleast 6 months after landing & you will give up that status by staying in US beyond that 6 months period.
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