Experince letter(Perm processing)


Registered Users (C)

My company wants to apply labour for me. But the problem is that
my ex employer is not giving me experience letter and my lawyer wants me to get it some how.

Lately i consult another lawyer. and he said that if this is the case i can get one from colleague i worked with in that pariticular job.

First of all, Is it true.

if yes, can some one help me in getting the rite format(Template). so that i can use it.
Any help will be deeply appreciated.


Hello Amar,
I am in the same situation and my lawyer asked me to get a letter from collegue. I worked in India for 3 years and I am unable to get experience letter from Indian company.

I am applying in EB2 (MS + 2 Years Product Development experience). I am working with current company for approx 3 years and as back up , he proposed to show 2 years experience with current company ( by showing current job duties 50% different from job duties in those 2 years ). I am sure this would invite an audit. But My lawyer is confident that either of thing will work. ( I don't know for sure though )

Let us know if anyone on this forum has gone through similar situation and either thing (experience letter from collegue or 2 years experience with current employer ) has worked.

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Folks, I applied to LC a week ago under the similar conditions. The company letter generated was a litte too "generic", didnt list any of the job reqs or anything, so I got some supplying letters from coworkers. I believe it's common practice, and if this many lawyers are saying it's OK, it should be ok...

PS. All the letters were from US Citizens from US based companies.