Experienced Folks plz. provide information!


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

Is there any body in this Forum who have/had applied I-485 for a Spouse/Dependant on their OWN(separately after Principal\'s Application Filing)? Can we file such applications on our own WITHOUT need of an Attorney? If you do so, can you please post your details such as "What Forms have to be filled and sent for such filing? Do we need to Attach/Send ANY Other docments/evidences? Do we need to file any \'Affidavit of Support\'(the Dependant entered/is in US on a Dependant visa)?

One more question related to this one... Has any one done such filings after Principal\'s approval and got the Dependant\'s approval where the Dependant stayed in US till his/her approval where Marriage happened PRIOR to Principal\'s Approval?

Thanks H2O