Experience with getting jobs in Canada?


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I am curious to know how people who moved to Canada managed with finding jobs there. I understand that every situation is different, but any inputs/experiences with finding a job there would be great.

I am especially interested in software development and related jobs.

- Did you look for a job before you reached there? Or was it easier to move to Canada and then look for the job?
- How did the salaries compare to what you earned earlier?
- How was the work culture different compared to before?
- Was the nature of the job different that what you were used to before?
- Do you think the move was a net gain or loss compared to your earlier job?
- (For people moving from the US) Did having worked in the US give you an added advantage of any kind?

Thanks in advance,
Thanks, bhand11683.

Pls add another question to the list while replying:
- What job sites worked the best for you / did talking to local recruiters work better?

I can go on and on but here is the jist.
I landed in January this year and I was looking for a job since last June.(After my PR visa was issues). My company has a branch in Toronto, but would not transfer mne there since there are no new openings in Toronto. I tried workopolis.com and Monster.com. I would have applied for about 500 positions and I received 10 replies when my resume had Canadian address. 8 of them wanted to appear for a personal interview. I received 2 job offers, 1 permanent in Vancouver for $55,000 and 2 week vacation and a contract job for $50,000 - 6 months. I could not go because I could not sell my house in time and my wife is employed here and our combined annual income is $125000+. I have decided to stop looking for a job in Canada, sell my house and then takethe first available job.

If you are patient you will find a job, may be a hunior level job. I think once you go there after 6 months or so you will find better jobs. From a pure money and career perspective USA is great. But you can be a citizen of Canada in 3 years. Its a trade off and you need to decide whats your priority. If you are single or your wife is unemployed here, Canada is the best place to be. Contract for 6 months in summer and spend 6 months in Beleize or jamaica. Like a hippie backpacker life. I will do it as soon as I sell my house :)