Experience Letter


Registered Users (C)
I do not have a experience letter from one of previous company, now they are closed. I heard, we can get a letter from co-worker, can some body throw some light...
AUG_PA2003 said:
I do not have a experience letter from one of previous company, now they are closed. I heard, we can get a letter from co-worker, can some body throw some light...

Don't worry, u can summit a Experience letter from Co-worker.

Previous Employer Company A -original labor EB2 Dec 2001 (TSC I 140 -27 Sept and Pending,In process to file premium processing) I485 in process of filing
Current Employer Company B -substitute labor EB3 april 02 (NSC I 140-3 april and Pending) I485 PD not current

pranamNY said:
Don't worry, u can summit a Experience letter from Co-worker.

Previous Employer Company A -original labor EB2 Dec 2001 (TSC I 140 -27 Sept and Pending,In process to file premium processing) I485 in process of filing
Current Employer Company B -substitute labor EB3 april 02 (NSC I 140-3 april and Pending) I485 PD not current

Can you pls direct me to any sample letter....