Expedited Citizenship Apllication - Employer Sponsored?


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I have been a permanent resident for 6+ years, last week, I found out that my company will need me to start travelling out of the country in 4 months. Of course, I haven't filed my N-400 yet, and my British passport is expired.

I was about to file my N-400 last week when I checked processing times at the Houston facility. 14 Months!!!! Of course, this won't work. I could be out of a job by then.

Anyway, my employer understands my situation and is willing to help get this pushed through somehow. What are my options? Should I just try to renew my British passport and file my N-400 or is there a way that we can expedite my application?
There is no way to expedite N-400.

You should always have a valid PP even when on GC ..... so your only option is to see if there is a way to expedite your new British PP.
There are some categories that can expedite naturalization, but I don't think you are in any of them. I am not sure if one has to have a valid passport at all times, I'd like to see the law that backs this comment. There are quite a few GC who cannot obtain a passport from their former country. It is still a good idea to renew your passport as that will be the fastest way for you to be able to travel. As long as the trips are not to long and you maintain residence and ties to the U.S. you could start your naturalization now and then do your business trips with your British passport. I would guess you will get the passport in less than the four months when you are planning to start doing business travels.
I don't see a way for them to help you to expedite the N-400, but if they are US corporation they might be able to help you to preserve your continuous residence while you are working for them overseas. How long do you expect to be gone? If it approaches a year or possibly longer, it would be worth it to apply for an N-470 so your 5-year citizenship clock won't get reset as a result of working for them for a long time outside the US.
You can always travel to UK with an expired passport...since you are their citizen. Canada and Mexico are other countries you can travel with a GC.
Apply to N400, you'll need a valid passport in the N400 interview!

Apply to N400, you'll need a valid passport in the N400 interview!
Of course it is always to have a valid passport, but I am not 100% sure it is a necessity for the interview. We have been discussing about expired passports on other threads and the issue is far from settled.

It would seem to me the original poster is planning to travel to other parts of the world. At the end of the day the whole thing is going to have to do with length of absences.
Renewing a UK passport only takes about one week. Send the appropriate form, fee and old passport to the UK Consulate in Washington DC, and they will FedEx you a new passport very quickly.

If you have a work-related overseas assignment coming up, the way to approach it is with an N-470 and I-131. On the other hand, if you simply need to travel for short periods to different destinations, you don't need anything more than a valid passport and GC.
You do not qualify for expedited naturalization as there is no employment category.

Therefore, apply for your British passport and travel with that to fulfill your job duties. At the same time, apply for your US Citizenship. I don't see why it is a necessity for you to be a US citizen to travel for your job in 4 months, unless they are stationing you overseas for a long period. If this is the case, you jeopardize loosing your permanent resident status unless you fill out an application to preserve your residency towards naturalization. And working for an American company, you may qualify for that. Check out the below link for the N-470 form and instructions: http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/us...nnel=db029c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1RCRD
Of course it is always to have a valid passport, but I am not 100% sure it is a necessity for the interview.
If a valid passport exists for you, they will normally want you to bring it to the interview or provide some explanation of it being lost or stolen. But you are not required to renew your passport at all if you don't travel. Some people move to the US, get a green card, and don't renew their passport or leave the US ever again, and they still naturalize successfully.
Thanks for all the replies. It looks like I'll just renew my UK passport. Hopefully I can. It expired in 2002 I think.

I will only be traveling a week or so at a time. Not long enough to ruin the contiguous residency stipulation.

This is really a case of hard ship. If I cannot travel, they may find a replacement for me. I will be going to Canada and Venezuela, and possibly Australia.
Thanks for all the replies. It looks like I'll just renew my UK passport. Hopefully I can. It expired in 2002 I think.

As a British citizen, you have the right to a passport regardless of how long your current passport has been expired. I do not think you need to worry about that.
Problem with international flights is the airlines require you too have a vaild passport at time of check in. So England may let you into the country with an expired passport, but you won't be getting on a plane to get there from the US. That is the issue. Border countries like Mexico and Canada is different as you do not need the passport on land borders (yet)...
Renewing a British passport is hardly a big deal or a case of hardship. Send money and you'll get the passport. Its really that simple.

Your travel profile is really nothing to be concerned about.
I didn't think you can leave the US with ANY expired Passport no matter from where you are. In your homecountry you may be. But from here out I didn't think so
I didn't think you can leave the US with ANY expired Passport no matter from where you are. In your homecountry you may be. But from here out I didn't think so

I think you can leave US with an Expired Passport. In my first trip back to my country, I had expired passport and the lady in the ticket counter told me that the passport is expired... I was so embarassed and told her that ah It cannot happen to me.. she laughed and said many people experience this.. and then she started checking futher in her system. I said what are u looking for she said that there are many countries where you can travel with an expired passport (i guess if you are citizen of that country)... I said no it is alrite and re-scheduled my trip for next day.