exp letter ???? Urgent


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Hi Gurus,
I got RFE for my 140 to submit the experience letter.
My employer is refusing to give the letter. He is also not intrested
in responding to the call.
The company I work did not have any other employee than me.
One employee company, I work with them for 2 years.
Now what are my option. Attorney is saying exp letter is the
must to get the approval.
Pls suggest any option. I have all the paystubs.
I think lot of people might have gone through the same. Pls let me know.

don't wait

Dont wait for your employer to give the exp. letter, if possible make one and send it to them.. No oe is going to verify it. I did the same..
these empoyers suck man..
nitti_nscwaiter said:
Dont wait for your employer to give the exp. letter, if possible make one and send it to them.. No oe is going to verify it. I did the same..
these empoyers suck man..

I *do not* agree with nitt_nscwaiter's advice. You would be commiting a crime by forging the document and if at all INS finds out, you could be permanently deported from the US.

What's the reason your employer is refusing to give you the experience letter?
Just few suggestions....

Was your employer a consulting company? If you had worked to some client company projects, see the possibility of getting an experience letter from the client company stating that you were working at their site through <your company>. Also, see if you obtain couple of affidavits stating that they know you and your employer and they know in best of their knowledge that you had worked in <so and so> capacity for that company. And ask your attorney to submit the pay-stubs from that employer with a good cover letter explaining how you are not able to obtain the experience letter.

**Please note that I do not have any kind of legal expertise...but thought of just putting my words if it helps you.**
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Lets start a discussion on this topic. I think it might have touched lot of people.
I agree with Nitti that I should make one and send to the USCIS. On the other hand rajat is right, i will be commiting a crime. My thoughts.
The reason employer does not want to give the exp letter is just I left him
and he lose his client. But there was no contract betwenn us. HE was not giving any benifits and i got good offer. Is that wrong? Anyway we have to switch the company when we got the good offer. I was with this company for a long time. That was a one man company, now he does not have intrest in proving the letter, not does he answer the call. No reason given. Just he does not want to give.
Now client can provid the letter but it is not accepted by the USCIS since the client does not come in picture since client was not a employer. I have all the paystubs, timesheet and can take letter from client. But attorney is saying if we can not arrange the exp letter then we may get denial. We can send the paysyub bt it does not expalin the job done, duties and other things, which matters to uscis a lot.
Now what a person shal do here. Commit a crime knwoingly.
Oh wait... is it a crime now ??????? What option one has????
There is no legal way to get the letter.. Employer can refuse and u can do nothing. Pls tell me. Is it the risk worth taking.
My assumption is lot of people might have gone through this bcos of the desi
companies & there attitude. Don't take me wrong if i sound very staong on desi company.
Thanks Amrit

Originally Posted by nitti_nscwaiter
Dont wait for your employer to give the exp. letter, if possible make one and send it to them.. No oe is going to verify it. I did the same..
these empoyers suck man..

I *do not* agree with nitt_nscwaiter's advice. You would be commiting a crime by forging the document and if at all INS finds out, you could be permanently deported from the US.

What's the reason your employer is refusing to give you the experience letter?
Talk to lawer and give notice to your employer.. if possible sue him. Is it not crime not to give experience letter when you work with him?? But one thing?? is this employer is in us or some other country?? In us i think there is a legal way u can get ur experience letter.
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I dont think you can sue your employer. It is a fact that since you left him, he is not obligated any more to respond to your 140. It is unprofessional of him to not give you the letter but he is not duty-bound to do so. Let me ask you this. It is true that employers exploit people in this stage by paying them poorly but you cannot say that you will quit for a good offer and still expect the ex-employer to co-operate with you. I cant believe some one advised you to forge the letter.

Remember that your employer can even choose to inform the INS and stop your PR processing completely. So whatever you do try to work with him.
Hi Konvov,
There is no legal way to get the exp letter. By now there is no requirement to provide that. Employer knows more law like these than us. Even if i send him letter will not help. I have done with email and certified mail. They don't care at all. I need to discuss solution what people did and how they overcome such harrasments
Wanted to add the employer is in US. And US cetizen. They do not care anything about us and not give a damm thinking of reply to email or call or certified mails.

konvav said:
Talk to lawer and give notice to your employer.. if possible sue him. Is it not crime not to give experience letter when you work with him?? But one thing?? is this employer is in us or some other country?? In us i think there is a legal way u can get ur experience letter.
bigbadwolf said:
I dont think you can sue your employer.
>>>> This is true.
It is a fact that since you left him, he is not obligated any more to respond to your 140.
>>> 140 is for the different employer. I just need a proof that I worked with the ex employer.
It is unprofessional of him to not give you the letter but he is not duty-bound to do so. Let me ask you this. It is true that employers exploit people in this stage by paying them poorly but you cannot say that you will quit for a good offer and still expect the ex-employer to co-operate with you.
>>>> I have applied with current employer. Need exp letter from ex employer.

I cant believe some one advised you to forge the letter.
>>> Need other solution than this may be.
Remember that your employer can even choose to inform the INS and stop your PR processing completely. So whatever you do try to work with him.
>>>>...I did not understand this. I am now with another employer. How can the ex employer do this. If he say wrong that I did not work with him then he is commiting crime of lying right.
O thats totally different. Thats a relief!! forget what I said earlier. All you want is the employer letter and your new employer had filed for your 140. Since it is a one person company, you already know the person in HR. So it pointless to try that way. But talk to your clients. I got reference letters from a number of my ex-clients.
I knew at least 2 other people who could not get experience letter from their past employees for various reasons including -
1. their boss is no longer working there
2. their boss is not in good terms with them

They just made up letters and signed with some arbitrary name. these documents are rarely verified at INS.

the more the system gets cumbersome and bureaucratic,
the more people use other technics to beat the system.
since you are the only one who worked for your employer, you can write your experience letter by yourself as HR. even if they verify with your ex-employer, he can't deny the truth you worked for him for two years. if you don't submit the letter, your case will be denied anyways. so do it, u have nothing to lose.
I think a letter from Lawyer stating you worked for them and supporting Paystubs and appointment letter they gave you while you joined the company.If INS feels the documents you provided are not sufficient they might ask you to provide further documents, in the mean time you get time to think over the issue.

I was also in the same boat..My previous employer refused to provide me exp.letter. I went to their website and prepared one letter head by down loading all neccesary pics. I have written all my experience and signed and sent it to INS. Even INS verifies about that letter my employer can not refuse that I did not work for them. If he does he will be in trouble than me. This is my suggetion only and it is upto you .
I guess its time not to worry too much about this desi consulting guys.
Even if USCIS has any problem with the letter then everything written is correct. We are professional and we did work professionally. THen why should we suffer by unprofessionalism of these guys. I got the message and I will provide all the paystubs and everything to USCIS and the offer letters and everything. We have the exp in real I think even they ask ex employer he can not deny that i have not worked. He can only say that he never issued a letter.
Amrit, you shouldnt have left company before ?i-140 approval

You did a mistake by leaving sponsor company before I-140 approval. you shouldn't have been greedy. Also if INS find out that you left that company thorugh any source it can be IRS, your case will be denied. If this is approved your GC would be illegal.

read previous posts. He needs letter from previous company. His current company is I-140 sponsor.
The man needs help

Damnit said:
You did a mistake by leaving sponsor company before I-140 approval. you shouldn't have been greedy. Also if INS find out that you left that company thorugh any source it can be IRS, your case will be denied. If this is approved your GC would be illegal.

The man is in some trouble and needs help in the form of good advice, or moral support. I don't think any of us in his place would appreciate this sort of tongue lashing or non-constructive critiscism.