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Exchange student in an American High School


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Hey there!

Guys, I can't seem to find information on this anywhere, so please be of help in any shape or form :) I am writing from Serbia and I was an exchange student in Texas back in 2004/2005. I won the DV lottery for 2013 and am having an interview in a bit more than a month from now.

Please, if some of you were exchange students in the US or know people who were, and won the DV lottery, which high school documents did you bring to the embassy? The documents I have from that period are:

-Certificate of a successful completion of one year in that high school as an exchange student
-Academic Achievement Record - with official high school grades I attained when I was studying there
-Official document from a Serbian Dept. of Education where it says that the senior year completed in the USA is considered equivalent to a Serbian HS year, and where they ask from me to do the graduation exam (something we have in Serbia, speakers of similar language will recognize "Maturski ispit")
-The graduation exam diploma to confirm I have completed high school education

All the best guys, looking forward to your answers!
they just want to know u finished high school. they don't care where u did it. bring proof that u finished.
Thanks guys :) first_time, you sure about that? Because if it is so, I can only present my University diploma (forgot to mention that I graduated from college in 2011), and they wouldn't ask for my high school papers :)
definitely take your university diploma. that proves your highest level of education. what im suggesting though is taking also something that states you were exchange student in US because they MIGHT ask you about that.
Agree with Dziecka. Carry your highest degree for sure. Once you can show that, odds are they won't care much about the rest. But like said take the rest just in case. My experience has been that CO push applicants through very quickly because they don't hav time to waste. BUT... if they have suspicions or you are from/in a country where fraud is high they will dig and ask more questions.
but like i said that is MY EXPERIENCE so I never worry and have always succeeded at US embassies once I have what is required and nothing extra. But Dziecka's advise is safest. Go with that... just in case.