evidence is that China is sick


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BEIJING, March 16 — Dutch psychiatrists have determined that a prominent Chinese dissident who spent 13 years in a police-run psychiatric institution in Beijing did not have mental problems that would justify his incarceration, two human rights groups said today.

The psychiatrists spent two days testing the dissident, Wang Wanxing, in Germany, five months after China released him and sent him abroad. They said in a statement that their examination "did not reveal any form of mental disorder."

The report could add fuel to charges that the Chinese police use a network of psychiatric prisons to silence political dissidents, often without trial or right of appeal.

Mr. Wang, now 56, was confined to the psychiatric facility after he was detained in 1992 for unfurling a banner that criticized the Communist Party.

The authorities determined that he had "delusions of grandeur, litigation mania, and conspicuously enhanced pathological will," which Western human rights groups say are diagnoses officials have used to lock up troublesome dissidents who have not broken any laws.

After his release in 2005, Mr. Wang described widespread abuses in the mental asylum, known as the Beijing Ankang. He said he lived in cells with psychotically-disturbed inmates convicted of murder and was forced to swallow drugs to blunt his will. He also said that the facility use electrified acupuncture needles to punish patients while other inmates were made to watch.

The two Dutch doctors, B.C.M. Raes of the Free University of Amsterdam and B.B. van der Meer, a Dutch forensic psychiatrist, examined Mr. Wang in January. Their findings were released today by the Global Initiative of Psychiatry and Human Rights Watch, two human rights groups that have been critical of China's use of psychiatric prisons.

"There was no reason that Mr. Wang had to be locked up in a special forensic psychiatric hospital or to be admitted to a psychiatric facility," the doctors said in a statement. "He was not suffering from any mental disorder that could justify his admission."

Their diagnosis contrasts sharply with one made by doctors at the Beijing Ankang when Mr. Wang was released last August, saying that he had not been cured.

"His systematic delusions have shown no conspicuous improvement since he was first admitted to the hospital," the Beijing examiners said, adding that Mr. Wang should be kept under "strict guardianship" in Germany.

Human Rights Watch says it has documented 3,000 cases of psychiatric punishment of political dissidents since the early 1980's. The group contends that the use of penal mental asylums to confine dissidents has increased in recent years, as the police have sought ways to punish followers of banned religious sects, political dissidents and persistent petitioners without channeling them through the court system.
I am not sure how's this thread having something to do with the forum. But I do want to clearify the concept: I agree with the evidence and I am sure there are more yet to be revealed.
But don't confuse CCP(chinese communist party) with China. The thing is China is not sick but who governs her is. China is more or less a regional concept which beyonds what's the current regime concept. So go ahead and say CCP is sick. China will get through the party's dictatorship soon.
applyarea said:
I am not sure how's this thread having something to do with the forum. But I do want to clearify the concept: I agree with the evidence and I am sure there are more yet to be revealed.
But don't confuse CCP(chinese communist party) with China. The thing is China is not sick but who governs her is. China is more or less a regional concept which beyonds what's the current regime concept. So go ahead and say CCP is sick. China will get through the party's dictatorship soon.

I agree your point, that's the key!
Chinese people are not equal Chinese Communist Party!
China has 5000 years history, I must say again, China is Great!!!
China has power!!!!
china is gonna be superpower soon.it is obvious .however they buy all military technology from Russia.Because if you dont have military power .You are nothing in this world.i think nobody can fk with china .I think chinese goverment is not really stupid. they are creating jobs ,economy is improving day by day. what else do you need ? It is not as frightening as it sounds on the news.plus it is not easy to manipulate such a big nation ..if chinese goverment would be crazy they would collapse as USSR. If USSR would use the same economical strategie as China .They would be really powerfull now.Honestly guys i grew up in Soviet Union.If i compare life style of average people in US with USSR at Communizm .It would make huge difference. I can see how easy to live in US.(I am not chinese) :) If you dont trust me come to Washington,dc See how beautiful buildings roads,hospitals .Capitalism and Comunism have positive and negative sides.at least dictator china do not bomb or create civil war in other countries to bring a "freedom" ;)
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yet US itself has alot scandals about abusing prisoners overseas. there's just no perfection exists. more or less one country will always have something better or worse than other country. all i can say is that in terms of human rights, US is slightly better than china
Slightly better?
Slightly better?

When was the last time the governemnt knocked on your door monitoring your internet use?
When was the last time you were taken into custody for advocating that say...Puerto Rico should be independent?
Did the US government ever ask you to not have more than 1...I repeat 1 kid?
Did it ever stop you from attending your mosque or church?

What do you mean "slightly better"?
most of chinese, especially youth, do not really care about whether it is communist or capitalist in power, as long as the government could advocate itself to development of chinese economy, providing more jobs and social cares, most ppl in china are satisfied.

its hard to think of china to have the same government system as US's because china had more than 3000 years history of controling and planning by the central government, if china adopts to democratic ways like US, there would be social chaos or even turn into civil war

obviously you dont want to see a chaotic china, a country with 20% of world population, a world factory...if she falls, the world will fall right after