European citizen having baby in USA

JoeF said:
That does of course not mean that coming to the US to give birth is ok.
No it means exactly that. It is quite legal to come to the US to give birth if you have the financial resources and you can convince INS that you will return to your home country after the delivery. It is as simple as that.

Personally, I am not too thrilled with this loophole either, but according to the laws its quite legal. And, the article makes it clear that the INS has knowingly allowed this to happen. Are you somehow saying that INS allowed 1000's of people to come to the US and give birth without them having any clue at all as to what was going on! Its simply not possible.
I am surprised by the quantity of reactions I am getting to my question. And I can understand most of them too.

I totally agree that people should not misuse the system and try to get some sort of welfare out of it or try to have an 'anchor baby'. I can assure you that it is not our intention to become US citizens ourselves through our baby. Anyway, we would have to wait until her or she is 21 anyway and that is a long time.

I assume there are parents writing on this forum too, so I hope that they can understand that every parent wants what is best for their children and give them all possible chances and opportunities. That is the only reason why we want to do it. We have the financial resources to pay for it, so we would not profit from anything or anybody.

My question on this forum was only to get some information. We did not yet decide for 100% to do it. I always believe in getting your facts straight before deciding anything.

Until now you have giving me your opinion on whether or not it is legal to do so. I still would like to have more practical information or maybe personal experiences from people.

Have a good day ! (but I think most of you are asleep right now :) )
I am surprised by the quantity of reactions I am getting to my question. And I can understand most of them too.

I totally agree that people should not misuse the system and try to get some sort of welfare out of it or try to have an 'anchor baby'. I can assure you that it is not our intention to become US citizens ourselves through our baby. Anyway, we would have to wait until her or she is 21 anyway and that is a long time.

I assume there are parents writing on this forum too, so I hope that they can understand that every parent wants what is best for their children and give them all possible chances and opportunities. That is the only reason why we want to do it. We have the financial resources to pay for it, so we would not profit from anything or anybody.

My question on this forum was only to get some information. We did not yet decide for 100% to do it. I always believe in getting your facts straight before deciding anything.

Until now you have giving me your opinion on whether or not it is legal to do so. I still would like to have more practical information or maybe personal experiences from people.

Have a good day ! (but I think most of you are asleep right now :) )
Well if you good folks want to stand between the Mama Bear and her cub and have a little debate on ethics...

I think I stand back at a safe distance.


But, upon reflection, I will agree with the posters who said that entering as a tourist (visa waiver or not) would be masking the true intent.

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