Entry with a UK Passport and always being stopped


New Member

I'm new to the forum and I'd be very grateful if someone could help me. I am british and travel quite often to the States either as final destination or as transit. And the problem I have is that I always get stopped at immigration, and have to wait for a couple of hours in other room to be questioned or just for the officer to make the necessary enquiries. And this is getting very annoying. Is there something I can do?


If your name or it's variation is on a watch list you will be questioned more thoroughly than most travelers. I don't think there is a way out of it. Next time you can ask the official if you name is on such a list.
Dear London35,

I understand your frustration, but let me tell you this. As a American Citizen if I stay extended period of time or a little different travel pattern even I am send to the secondary inspection. I don't mind them, its for my own protection and my Homeland.
Specially UK where there is a very Large number of Britons that are originally from countries of concern and have liberty of entering US without a visa. Unfortunately with a few young British men that chose the wrong path including some American Citizens who decided to harm innocent people it has raised red flags for the others that has nothing to do with it.
It is for your security also, would you like to be in US and be a Victim of something stupid like that, I'm sure not. Besides if you have nothing to hide than few hours of inconvenience should not matter. BTW it is couple of hours because there are people ahead of you. If there's not many people ahead it is quick.
Just to comfort you i have a friend who is a ICE agent himself and was referred to secondary himself by the POE officer. It did'nt bother him and we just had a laugh about it. The way he described it to me is that its not the POE officers that decide who goes to secondary, most of the times it is computer prompting him to refer to secondary.