Entry questions using AP


New Member
I have been using an L1-A visa to enter the US for the past 6 years, but want to know what kind of questions you get asked when using your AP document for the first time to enter the US?

Are they fairly standard? Are they trying to catch you out on any issues? As a matter of routine, do they pull you to one side and interrogate you?!

Any info would be much appreciated.

I have been using an L1-A visa to enter the US for the past 6 years, but want to know what kind of questions you get asked when using your AP document for the first time to enter the US?

Are they fairly standard? Are they trying to catch you out on any issues? As a matter of routine, do they pull you to one side and interrogate you?!

Any info would be much appreciated.


They put you in the room with other AP holders, refugees and similar people, an then (as my experience goes):

JFK (8 times): No question asked
SFO (1 time): How did you get this document (AP)? Who sponsored your immigration petition? What is <name of the company I am working for>? What is your position in the <name of the company I am working for>? Do you have a business card? How long you've been out of US?
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I used my AP last summer (2006) along with my husband and children. No complications. They just sent me over to a AP office. In my case he just enquired when was the last I went to India, where I work and what position and couple of friendly enquires from children, saying if they like U.S...and schooling in U.S. Just make sure when they stamp in your pasport they put the correct dates. For my younger son they put a wrong year (2006 instead of 2007) Hope we wont have any problem on our next visit. Hopefully we'll travel with our Green cards next. I carried my pay stubbs, Lawyer emergency #, Tax papers, all the INS copies along with original AP and my A card.
I wish you good luck on your trip