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enters view the embassy for the visa, is mere step?


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enters view the embassy for the visa, is mere step? iam from caracas, is a dificult interview? i have all my document good, i have 30000 $ in eeuu account bank , and 10000$ in venezuela account bank.
Look robediente, i really do not want to dissapoint you.......but once i remember you saying that your birthdate on your original entry was mistaken.........if that is the case(i certainly hope that it is not)..........then according to the people at the US Embassy in Kathmandu...you will be disqualified for sure..........

maybe it's different in your embassy, but call them and ask them.,..
certain mentions it. in my inscription initial mistakes in my date of birth. I contact to kcc and they responded to me, tell me that serious information added to my file.