Endless pain


Registered Users (C)
RD 6/23/2001
ND 8/21/2001
FP 12/1/2001
RFE 4/?/2002
RFE received by INS 5/5/2002
TD 3/?/2003
ID 5/19/2003
2nd FP 5/30/2003
AP ?????????????

My husband and I went to the interview last month at Newark. Took all the documents we could think of.
The officer was kind of serious but nice. He only check the current employment letter and last two years tax returns.
We were told that the reason for the interview was because we were pregnant at the time we filed the I-485, and we didn't take the vaccine shots. We told the officer that that's the reason Vermont gave us the RFE, and we took the shots when we replied the RFE. The officer said that that's the only reason he could think of for the interview. God, Vermont sat on our reply for a whole year, and didn't even bother to take a look before they transfer our case!
Then the officer said that everything else looked fine, but he couldn't approve our case because our fingerprints were expired. He made an appointment for our 2nd fingerprint, and said that it would take him 3 business day to send our approval notice once he got our fingerprint results.
17 days has passed after we took our 2nd fingerprint, and we're still waiting. I don't know how long we have to wait. The pain it giving us is never end, and nobody cares.
This is all part of the game that we are playing. GC game!!!. Anything can happen.
But, luckily we got this nice forum to share our sorrows, joys, stories and yet be such a useful forum.
Firstly, I would appreciate Rajiv on starting and continuing this forum. Secondly, I would like to appreciate all the members that are participating in this forum.
FP receive date?


Do you know when the date was that BCIS "received" your FPs. It takes a few days after to actualyy get to them.

Not that its consoling - but thought you might want to check that.

good luck..
Thers's a silver lining behind those clouds


Since you/your husband have your EAD, you are as good as having your GC excepting for the fact that you need to bother renewing EAD/AP till you get the GC. There is a saying in Telugu whose literal translation would be
'Frequent good luck is evident when you face one hard luck'. My advice would be to forget about evrything and dig into something else unless you have something which needs to be done immediately with/after taking care of the GC (like travel to India etc).


Hang in there


Hang in there buddy. You will get to it.

I know it is tough for a mid 2001 filer to wait when early 2002 cases are being approved.

All the very best !!
Thank you all very much

Our lawyer will send a letter to the local BCIS to request the status of our case if we don't hear anything by the end of this month.

Right now, my husband and I are trying not to bring up this topic to talk about, and trying to focus our mind on work and our son. It's hard for me not to think about it and I know it's hard for him too. He anxiously check the mail first thing back home form work everyday.

Thank you all very much for your kindly replies. It make me feel better now. It's good to have a place like this to unload. Best wish to everybody.
Good Luck..!

I'm Happy that ur pain has ended atlast..!!
Enjoy and Have Fun

Thanks for the update
Re: Finally, approved on July,03,2003

Originally posted by formerfingercorssed
Thank you all very much.

Congratulations, it's been a long journey for you.
I don't understand why some ppl don't have shots before they get pregnant, you need MMR anyway for pregnancy and it's valid for 10 years. Why not get the shot before all these hassles.
Originally posted by dengdeng
I don't understand why some ppl don't have shots before they get pregnant, you need MMR anyway for pregnancy and it's valid for 10 years. Why not get the shot before all these hassles.

If I knew it was gonna give us sooooooooooo much trouble, I would've have thoses shots long time ago. It was the other two shots I had to get(I had gotten the antibodies for MMR).

Anyway, I've warned all my friends who's applying for green card, go get their shots before they get pregnant, and have a immune record in hand. I hope this will not happen to other people again.

Again, this forum is a big help for me, I'd thank all the friends here, and good luck to everyone.