End of journey


Registered Users (C)
hi All,

I finally received my plastic card - signalling an end of a roller coaster journey over 2 years and 3 months - over the time in which we were very busy trying to maintain jobs so we could answer payroll based RFEs - luckiluy no RFEs...simple approval after 2nd FP...
I would like to thank Kashmir (for his amazing, selfless work), pinnacle_man and all other who helped scan data, answered questions and shared theories on this forum & soothe each other's wounds...

I wish all awaiting approvals the very best & hope you gets approvals soon...Good luck all...and good bye for the most part...I guess I will be checking back periodically to see how thigns are going...
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I missed your approval. You are one of the older IDs I remember in the forum.
Have fun!