

Did she give you any reason as to why the processing would speed up in October? Are they done with the cross checking of all the previous cases that they can get all the officers back? Also is the priority for religious workers over?


I don't see how going back and scanning each and every document is going to help the security of the US! That is a task better left to computers and the IT department. And even if they go back and check don't you think the IIO's will be brain dead after looking at so much paper work, not to mention the fact that these terrorists would do their homework and make sure that the papers are squeeky clean?

Ashcroft has a long history of supressing civil rights and liberties! Let us not get into the so called Patriot act or the Patriot act II, and the hundreds of people he is holding in Guantanamo bay! He just issued a decree recently severely restricting leeway for prosecutors in making deals with the prisoners. What about his famous crack down on medical marijuana. Arresting old and sick people is his forte, being anti immigrant his grain!
Encounter - Story

Thanks for posting that story. This looks inline with what delays we are facing now. Adjudicators worked for 2 years sieving through old applications !!!. Come on ASHwrya Rai - Give me a break. They can invent 100, 000 reasons to slow down "LEGAL" immigration to this country. Can't do much with the fence jumpers. (Please. No offence to anyone).

We will hope for the better in October. Well, I am sure some excuse will crop up and there will be delays.

Good Luck everyone. Good Luck. I mean it.
Most officers should not be blamed.
They are poor victims, too.

It's evil decision makers and stupid top managements to be blamed.
They are the stain of the United States.
Originally posted by kashmir
It's evil decision makers and stupid top managements to be blamed. They are the stain of the United States.

How about the people who voted them in power? (And those that watch Fox News!)

Some of you will remember the rumor that said that only 3 "officers" were working on 485 cases - that piece of information was what I got from an officer during one of those calls I kept making to INS. Now it seems like she was right! Only 3 people working on 485 cases - no wonder they're stuck with all the work there.

Oh, I feel sorry for them. A year from today I'll be free but they'll still be doing the same old boring adjudications. Poor people.

But, I am just curious what 12 ( = 15 - 3 ) adjudicators are doing now.
I think the current I485 process including Religious Worker cases is done by 3 adjudicators.
Thanks for the inside informaiton :).

And from some body's pointer to the discussion at a Yahoo discussion group I think making phone calls to adjudicators also delays the processing. As of I remember each call we make triggers a beaurocratic process on that case and the Adjudicator ends up wasting few hours on it.

As any way even if you call you are going to get the same status information as you get on the web. May be we can refrain from calling there by we can let them do their job.

just a thought.
Soumy, thank you for the information.

One question, didn't INS move from DoJ to DHS. And the subsequent name change. Didn't the new boss give them better orders.

Seems to me, the slowdown is from the top down. Unless, the "BIG" bosses give them the go ahead, we will continue to be in this state.
Originally posted by wowgc
ASHCROFT did his job well by ordering the BCIS officials to go back and check the approvals from 1999. It may look like a bad thing for the GC waiters but it is good for $our$ Country(hope we all approved and staying here for ever) and for our future generation.

Good job Ashcroft........................

It was a very good piece of information. Great work Soumy!!!


By acting as Ashcroft's buddy won't fetch you the GC earlier than us. So, pl. refrain from making such silly comments. My God!! you're more American than the citizens of US. You're repeating the rhetorics used by FOX and other channels who are capitalizing on this terror frenzy. By punishing these 15 poor souls (BCIS adjudicators), to go back and scan through so many documents (I believe it's a MANUAL process) is a foolish act. If you need to do a job, you need to do it properly; more people, more technology involved, more planning, not just an eyewash by forcing your limited resource to do a superhuman work. So, just stop blabbing like a FOX news anchor.
Originally posted by wowgc
ASHCROFT did his job well by ordering the BCIS officials to go back and check the approvals from 1999. It may look like a bad thing for the GC waiters but it is good for $our$ Country(hope we all approved and staying here for ever) and for our future generation.

Good job Ashcroft........................

wowgc, what's result of this tremendous job? How many already approved EBGC holders were exposed as terrorists?
Originally posted by wowgc
ASHCROFT did his job well by ordering the BCIS officials to go back and check the approvals from 1999. It may look like a bad thing for the GC waiters but it is good for $our$ Country(hope we all approved and staying here for ever) and for our future generation.

Good job Ashcroft........................

Das ist ganz richtig !!! Heil Herr Ashcroft der Führer !!!
Thanks Soumy for the valuable information.
We are so unlucky to be left behind in GC process because of a mistake by one INS officer in approving GC.

Why don't u guys blame Bush for picking Ashcroft? Ashcroft was never elected by anybody directly. If you guys remember, Senate/House held-off his confirmation for a while but could not disapprove a choice made by Bush as a new President. So, there is no guarantee that another Ashcroft won't come in future.

And Presidents are not elected by their immigration policies anyway.
Thanks for the update Soumy.

I sincerely hope that we are not disappointed this Oct, just as we were last year., with promises of things moving after the INS year end audit.

There is always hope.

Thanks for sharing your encounter Soumy. Atleast it feels good to know the reason behind the delays and a little hope for the increase int he approval rate two days from now.
Everyone have their hidden agenda, they implement that whenever they get a chance.

Generally, Republicans are for Legal immigration due to their ties with Corporate world but Democrats are for Family based, Legalizing Illegal Immigrants........
I think John Ashcroft also tried to do the same just like most of the Republicans but indirectly we were affected.