en route...


Registered Users (C)
congressman's office inquired with ex-INS about my case and was told that my file is "en route"...

apparently, this is INS-speak for something, half-sentences trying to give a fuller feel? ideas, anyone? could this mean the case is going to an adjudicator? mine is a 03-04/02 case.
You can talk to the congressman's office again and ask them what they mean by en route.....we don't have any options other than to keep inquiring.
ok, i think that's a good idea. i'll ask her. but it probably means an adjudicator is sitting on it, planning to lay some gargantuan egg.
news to share

just got news from the congressman's office that as of 9th february an adjudicator has my file. anyone with similar experience knows how long the actual adjudication takes from this date?
i'm in similar situation - senator says file has ben caled by INS for adjudicaion. no news yet after 2 weeks.
RD and ND please!!

Hi Prenumbra and Comatose

Could you please mention your RD and ND ?
