Employment letter validity..


Registered Users (C)
How long is the employment letter valid for CP interview??
If the interview is in June or July is April/May dated employment letter
(which states promises future job) OK??

Any ideas here??
2 cents!!!

The letter should be as close as possible to the interview date. A safe bet is one month. Again it depends on the individual case. Make sure that it is notarized and clearly states your job duties of LC.
For chennai it is a very important document.
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In my case the officer conducting the interview asked for employment letter no older than two weeks. Lucky me mine was only 10 days old.
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Since many of us are planning to be in India
2-3 weeks in advance of the interview, getting
WHICH Consulate???

This is tooo much to ask for..how can we have something thats just 2 weeks old..???
guys I need your help with employment letter !

I am expecting interview date in August at Chennai consulate. But my company has announced a major lay off in June.. Now I may be affected but my company may agree to keep me on the employee roll until I return.

Would it be ok if I take the employment letter dated sometime in June ? If I am laid off I will leave in the first week of July. Would this cause any problems at Chennai during the interview in Aigust ?
My 2 cents!!!

Think employment letter together with paystubs. you will be asked to give your latest pay stubs along with notarized employment letter.
Also you will be signing a declaration that in case your employment conditions change you will surrender your immigrant visa.

Negotiate with your employer to prepare for this scenario.