employment letter of RFE, please help, thanks a million


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Received RFE, one of them is employment letter:
"original letter on company letterhead from current employer stating date of hire, duties, remuneration, and prospect for continued employment".
What does prospect for continued employment mean? Must “permanent” appear in the letter? Can “indefinite” be a substitute? or can the letter just say "The position is full time and continued"?
When I do the I140 (EB2, outstanding researcher), my boss provided the job offer letter. But now I have some problems with him. The human resources (HR) personnel can provide an employment verification letter.
But they will not put “permanent” in the letter, I am not sure if they would put “indefinite” in the letter. If not, can the letter just provide information regarding date of hire, salary, work in cardiology department? Can the letter ignore the “prospect for continued employment”. Regarding the duties, can the letter just say a senior research associate in department of cardiology?

Urgently waiting for your answer
Best wishes
RD 12/18/01
ND 1/3/02
FP 6/22/02
RFE 8/12/03
The beauty of the English language lies in the fact that the same idea may be expressed in a myriad ways.. Since your HR department suffers from the "permanent position"-phobia (I suppose your research is contigent upon funding, that's why they would rather not use the word "permanent"), how about this:

"We anticipate Mr/Ms So-and-so's continued employment in the foreseeable future.." or something along the same lines?..

Both conditions are met: the BCIS should be satisfied with the "non-temp" nature of your employment; and the HR has covered their ...uhm.. behinds.. No one can be taken to court for merely "anticipating" something that may or may not come true.. ;)
Hi, Stripped:
Thanks a lot.
Can the letter just say "The position is full time and continued".
Appreciate your timely response
Best wishes
Yes.. Basically, the BCIS wants to know that:

1. the position still exists
2. that it's not a temp one
3. that you're employed by the sponsor and will continue working upon approval
Hi, stripped.
Thanks a lot.
If the HR even do not want to put "continued" in the letter, just say"the position is full time", is this one OK?
Regarding the duties, can the letter just say " a senior research associate in department of ----" Is it enough?
Sorry for so many questions.
Really tortured by the GC process
Best regards to you
I believe that should be OK.. At least, if I were a BCIS adjudicator, such a statement would suffice. Adding a job description/duties can't hurt provied that they match those specified in the LC/I-140.
REF tp Stripped answer..

3. that you're employed by the sponsor and will continue working upon approval

Is that true? I don't think BCIS asks for that kind of confirmation