Employment Letter... Is this format OK?


The employment letter I\'ve recd from the company says

"This letter serves to confirm our continuing intention to employ "Mr. XXXX" at "XXX Company". Mr XXX will be permanent full-time employee, on an at-will basis. Mr. XXX will be employed as a Software Engineer for our company, and will continue to receive an annual salary of at least $XXX. Our company has not had any difficulty paying its employees in the past and does not anticipate any such problems in the future.
Mr. XXX is a highly qualified Software Engineer whose prospective services are of vital importance to XXX company. Please approve this application at the earliest possible date.

My doubts:
(1) My start date has not been mentioned
(2) it says AT-WILL BASIS
(3) it says, at least $XXX. My current salary is more than $XXX.
Plz respond
and also

All the notary information is completely on a different page(which is NOT continuation of employement letter). However, on the first page there is THE SEAL of the notary. There is not enough space to fill in all the information about the notary & notarie\'s signature
I can answer for your 3rd Question

I am same situation, I make more that when is said in the Emp Verification letter. I talked to the lawyer and he mentioned " it is stated to match the figures in I-140, If we make more than it, it is not a concern".

About your start date, you can take a copy of your offer letter and usually the paystubs carry the start date in it. I guess these can substantiate your reply if asked by consular officer.

you need to state your joing date with current company .. but if you haven\'t

should be ok .. ask lawyer ...
No Title

My letter did not have start date. I did not have any problems during the interview. The lady just asked how long I have been working with the company.

My letter also states something like that and my take on that is that the HR dept writes such language for legal purposes. I am not going to worry too much about it. During the entire GC process, all my letters have had similar wordings and I haven\'t had any problems so far. When is your interview?
Should be fine

The letter should be fine...

My CP interview was @ Mumbai in December 2001... My employment letter had the clause:

"Regardless of what is stated above, both parties reserve the right to terminate this Agreement at any time at will and without cause or advance notice."

And there was not problems...

Good Luck...