Employment History!!


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How do I fill my employment history.

I have been with same employer A for the last 6 years all the way from 01/99.
Ihad my PR on 08/2001.

In 06/2003 I had job offer from Employer B, but after 3 weeks of employment my orginal employer offered me a better offer and I joined back my orginal employer.

Should I say-

Employer A 01/99 - present.
Employer B 06/03 to 06/03.


Employer A 07/03 - present
Employer B 06/03 to 06/03.
Employer A 01/99 to 06/03
invest2bfree said:
How do I fill my employment history.

I have been with same employer A for the last 6 years all the way from 01/99.
Ihad my PR on 08/2001.

In 06/2003 I had job offer from Employer B, but after 3 weeks of employment my orginal employer offered me a better offer and I joined back my orginal employer.

Should I say-

Employer A 01/99 - present.
Employer B 06/03 to 06/03.


Employer A 07/03 - present
Employer B 06/03 to 06/03.
Employer A 01/99 to 06/03

Employer A 07/03 - present
Employer B 06/03 to 06/03.
Employer A 01/99 to 06/03
I guess it depends on how your "Employer A" would answer, if someone calls to check on how long you have been employed there and if you maintained your orginal start date. If you have not maintained your orignal start date you have to put them down as separate.