Employment history (part-time contractor)


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Last year I worked as a part-time contractor(1099) along with my regular job (W-2). How should I enter this information on N400?

You don't have to enter that info. The work history is most likely to make sure you have been in the US for the majority of the time. So they don't give it much scrutiny.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I think you should mention it. It is really a non-issue.

I'd just add it in another line with overlapping dates. I'd also attach an explanation and add that you have paid taxes on your earnings. They'd most probably check your tax transcript more closely during the interview.
Working on 1099

I have been working on 1099 for a couple of years. and want to continue doing that through my citizenship application.
1. What should I put in my employment history
2. I will not have paystubs to carry in interviews? what can I take.
3. What kind of letter I should take with me from my agency?
4. Or is it advised to convert to W2 before filing citizenship application?
1. For 1099 contract work, put self-employment.
2. You must have some sort of tax returns including your 1099 income, right? And you made the payments for estimated tax and self-employment tax, right?
3. Not needed
4. No
Thanks for your reply!
Yes I do have tax returns and estimated tax payments that I have been making.
was just worried about the current year's income. Since My agency just wire transfers my payment.. and issues 1099 at year end -- no monthy invoice or payment reciept.

I hope that okay?

1. For 1099 contract work, put self-employment.
2. You must have some sort of tax returns including your 1099 income, right? And you made the payments for estimated tax and self-employment tax, right?
3. Not needed
4. No
I agree with Jackolan. I work on 1099 as an independent contractor on various projects time to time and I get 1099 (earning statements) at the begining of the year for the amount I made in the previous year. No need to worry, you are all det.
The only thing different with me is I do NOT get ant W2 income, ONLY 1099. but I guess as you guys said it is okay.

One other thing if you guys can comment. I did not work for about 5 months and was away to India in between. I worked on W2 and than was in india for 5 months and came back and has been working on 1099. Should I show a gap for 5 months? Is it okay? or just show self employment from right after I stopped W2?

I may be sounding over-worrying but this INS thing this killing man... giving me bad day dreams!!!
I see what you're saying


I understand your concern completely and there is nothing wrong to even ask a simple question. As long as we are here to help and satisfy you completely, that's what it matters.
I am a consultant and work on 1099 on & off. My last project recently ended and I am out of work at this point. My wife's GC interview is coming up next week. Should I be concerned if they ask me about my employment since I am the petitioner. Yes, why not, but I will take my previous pay stubs showing how much I have made so far this current year (2008) and ofcourse my previous taxes and ofcourse bank statment showing some savings would also help. I even applied for my mother's GC last week. I wrote self employed where the form asks you about your employment ansd wrote down an approx salary for this year.
For you, writing self employed is the best bet and if you have a gap, no big deal. You may be on a project and you may be without one and especially people like us who are self employed, that's the nature of our work.
Hope I have satisfied you and answered your concerns.
Don't worry be happy :)
Atlanta brother, thanks for your post. It certainly gives me much more clarity and confidence.

You guys on this forum are great!!!