Empl. Verification Letter needs future salary to be mentioned ??


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I have CP interview at Mumbai in June.

My company is giving me Employee Verification Letter on Company\'s letter head, saying that \'current salary is $67000\'. But not mentioning that, in future, after approval of greencard, we will pay $72000(mentioned in labor). Is it okay ???

Is it required to mentioned future salary in Employee verification Letter ??

Take two letters

In first letter simple say that "Mr. xyz is employed in our compnay workinas xzzz. His primary job includes...,put as in LCA. The position as stipulated in LCA will be available to MR. xyz on his immigrant visa approval per conditions explained in LCA."

In second letter have all those details in addition to present salary.

In interview just present first letter with all tax returns. If they ask for $ figure in letter simply give the second one.
what if employer pays you salary lower than specified in labor

if your current salary is lower than specified in labor application and if you are approved in CP. After CP approval if employer continues to pay you current salary and not that specified in labor, what are the possible implications? Do they revoke GC or make it hold something?