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Emergency Situation! Help me!


New Member

I have an issue. I am doing CP. My interview is in 2 weeks. I found out that I have a mistake while filing the form. I put high school graduation date 08-1989, but my transcript says 06-1989. do you think this is going to be a big problem in my interview? Can I do something at this stage?
That's not a big deal. But make sure they put in the correct date in your form(s) in the consulate.
I also agree with Tazmania,s reply. May not be a big deal. I had lot of mistakes like place of birth (not the country), and even the photo I sent was not very much clear.
I also agree with Tazmania,s reply. May not be a big deal. I had lot of mistakes like place of birth (not the country), and even the photo I sent was not very much clear.

Hi Tazmania, how were able to correct the mistakes after submitting you documents??
I suggest you email your consulate/embassy with this question directly instead of searching for clues on the forum. You don't have to include your case number.