Emergency Appointment


New Member
Could you let me know how is this emergency appt thing working in India? I am planning to travel to India in October and go for stamping also. So, can I take an emergency appointment for that reason?

(as the VFS website says, if you are residing in US and need to get back to work, you are eligible for Emergency) but I just don't want to take the risk without the complete details. Please let me know if anyone was ever in the situation before.
pinkalmonds said:
Could you let me know how is this emergency appt thing working in India? I am planning to travel to India in October and go for stamping also. So, can I take an emergency appointment for that reason?

(as the VFS website says, if you are residing in US and need to get back to work, you are eligible for Emergency) but I just don't want to take the risk without the complete details. Please let me know if anyone was ever in the situation before.


I went to kolkata consulate instead of chennai because of date unavailablity. got the visa stamped without any problem. got the letter from the employer stated, i have to come back to work in so and so date. thats all.

That means you took an emergency appointment or regular appointment.? I checked Calcutta too but they have dates in November and in Chennai they are no where near to Jan. I also checked Canada, they don't have anything before September and I have business training all month in Sep.I need to go to India in October and the only solution looks like emergency appt. Will that work?
Keep checking the VFS site. Sometimes Bombay consulate date for emergency appointment opens up. I would recommend you to fill out the application for bombay consulate and keep it ready, so you can get the appointment when available. Otherwise, try http://www.vfs-monitor.com. They claim to be accurate. I am not sure how it works.