Email - approval notice - infopass


Once the email is received about the 485 approval, how long does it take to get the actual notice?
It is a week now since I received my approval in email, but I did not get any letter so far. Can I trust the email? Or is there any catch here?
Also, do I need to receive the letter before I make an infopass appointment?
I did not receive any intimation from USCIS that i had to make an infopass appointment
I believe it would come to u soon, avg time a week and 15 days. many recieve even late.

keep in touch with ur attorney, and I believe one coutsay copy u receive too.

Go ahead and make infopass aprox 15-20 days, be hopeful that u would receive the notice, incase mail delay u may change/cancel infopass anytime u like :D

Good LUck
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Schedule your appointment.


You can schedule your appointment, and you can also cancel if you have any difficulties.
Hate to rain on your parade, but I have received an approval Email, while the case was not approved. Sit tight, wait for the notice, if it doesn't come in two weeks, start asking questions.

that's strange, how did you come know that case was not approved

Call me Shrek said:
Hate to rain on your parade, but I have received an approval Email, while the case was not approved. Sit tight, wait for the notice, if it doesn't come in two weeks, start asking questions.

My case was approved on 06/02 and i scheduled an appointment through infopass on the same day. I only received the paper notice yesterday (06/09) and the stamp on the envelope says it was mailed out on 06/06.I was getting worried too :) So i would wait at least 14 days as they say. Even thought the email message says they mailed something out on a certain day, it is not necessariy true,it could go out a couple of days later, so i would wait a bit more but schedule an infopass appointment to save time, you can always cancel it if the paper notice does not get to you on time for the appointment.

Call me Shrek said:
Hate to rain on your parade, but I have received an approval Email, while the case was not approved. Sit tight, wait for the notice, if it doesn't come in two weeks, start asking questions.


Sorry to hear about it, but

Never heard about like that before? Approval mail would have dozens of check and procedures to follow, than email is sent out.

Share with us source of ur learning about real status of case

Is that reason ppl call u 'Sherk'
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Good Luck
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Thank you everyone

..for all the tips. I will wait for the letter before making the appointment.
Sorry to hear about your case call_me_shrek. Hope that was resolved soon. and also hope my case approval was not an erroneous email.
I dont understand what people are saying.


I dont see any harm in scheduling appointment, but this is your call. Coming to approval email and physical approval in mail. If you get approval email on some day here is the minimal process atleast INS has to do.

Day 1: You get your approval email
Day2 : System generate approval mail (physical) and will goto the mail room. They will run the stamp. Evening USPS will collect them
Day3 : You can see the post office stamp on this day.

In Wheresmygc case, 06/02 he got email, 06/03 generated the mail. 06/06 post office initiated the delivery because 06/04 and 06/05 are weekend days.

Call me Shrek, Sorry to be harsh but dont give the negative impression to the people. Kris_t100 also said the same when laborunknown and my case were approved. I couldn't sleep and eat for two days until I get the my 485 approval in mail. Whats wrong in taking Infopass appointment?

We are all here to encourage each other and share the feelings not to hurt any one. Please do accept my apologies incase I hurt you. Sorry dude!
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gcaaa111, I think you must have not read carefully... it's "shrek" who experienced that he got approval email even though it was not actually approved.... and again I didn't mention anything about infopassa aptmt. I myself have taken the appointment even thought my lawyer said that now it's not necessary because they have changed the process to send plastic cards directly... Now that "shrek" mentioned this I will be in same boat like you... :confused:

you are not being harsh.. your concern is totally appropriate but I assume it's just typo should have been "shrek" instead of "labornc" :)

Shrek, if you experience this please tell how you found out that your case was not approved... ?

gcaaa111 said:
labornc, Sorry to be harsh but dont give the negative impression to the people. Kris_t100 also said the same when laborunknown and my case were approved. I could sleep and eat two days until I get the my 485 approval in mail. Whats wrong in taking Infopass appointment?
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Sorry dude.

labornc, I am really sorry that I addressed you instead of "Call me Shrek". Please accept my sincere apologies.

Call me Shrek, It would be really helpful to the members of this forum if you can explain in detail you experience.