Eligible to apply for citizenship, but don't have address of my child

3) i have just read page 52 of the Guide to Nat. M -476. that statements says that if you have a dependent SPOUSE and CHILDREN who do not live with you ANDa) there is a government order or court order for you to provide support add that document and

b) add a document showing that you provide that support in the form of the ff: cabcelled checks, letter from the dependent etc.

since you do not have any order issued against you, you need not worry your head much. like bobsymth sugessted, just get them handy just in case.

Hmmm, I am afraid life is not as good. Just checked, there is no AND there. It goes "If you have a dependent spouse or children who do not live with you, send:
Any court or government order to provide financial support; and......"

which I think means that technically they do expect some documents if I have a "dependent child". Who knows what they mean by dependent anyway.

But I still like the suggestions that were made earlier and will definitely try to proceed along these lines.
Hmmm, I am afraid life is not as good. Just checked, there is no AND there. It goes "If you have a dependent spouse or children who do not live with you, send:
Any court or government order to provide financial support; and......"

which I think means that technically they do expect some documents if I have a "dependent child". Who knows what they mean by dependent anyway.

But I still like the suggestions that were made earlier and will definitely try to proceed along these lines.


i think you are worrying too much. Please go with the suggestions made by Bobsymth and you will be okay. since the child is not here and there is not any court order you are good to go. I wish you all the best.

just an update. i just picked my oath letter from the mailbox. it is dated 02/03 and the oath date is 04/02.
I just wanted to check with people if the letter from my ex-wife should say anything else other than:

"I write this to confirm that after the divorce I decided to raise the daughter independently and requested <victorymonkey> not to provide
any financial help to me or to our daughter. In particular, I confirm that because of my decision I never sued <victorymonkey> for a child support
and never demanded, either via court or via our informal communications, any alimony or child support payments."

PS funky_brother, congratulations on the divorce letter.
I just wanted to check with people if the letter from my ex-wife should say anything else other than:

"I write this to confirm that after the divorce I decided to raise the daughter independently and requested <victorymonkey> not to provide
any financial help to me or to our daughter. In particular, I confirm that because of my decision I never sued <victorymonkey> for a child support
and never demanded, either via court or via our informal communications, any alimony or child support payments."
The letter should also add the fact that she has remarried (and preferably when she married) and the child is living with her and the new husband. In many jurisdictions within and outside the US, if the mother marries somebody else and the children are living in the same place with the new husband, the new husband is responsible for supporting them, not the biological father any more. So that fact may provide additional support for your position that you are not financially responsible for the child.
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