Eligibilty for MS education


New Member
Dear Sir,
I have done Diploma in Comuter ENgg of three years from an polytechnic.Currently i am working in an Good IT company .Simultaneously i am currently pursuining my Degree in computer engg through an non formal way from the Institute of Engineers-India.(www.ieindia.org-For reference).So my Education Scheme after degree will be 10+2+3+3. I am aspiring to do my MS in US. I don't want to take any chance with my preparation stuff for GRE.
I would really like to know whether the AMIE degree offered by Indian governemnet is recogonized by US universities ofr admission to MS. Since this questionis the crux of my career ur suggestion it will really help me mould my career ina proper direction.

Awaiting for your positive reply

Anybody like to email me can do so at shailej@gmail.com

So kindly guide me whether US universities now recognize nor formal Degrees like IETE & AMIE for admission to MS.


I too have the Same doubt please can anyone clarify that

i did polytechnic diploma(3 years) and did polytechnic Advanced diploma(2 years)
After that i joined in MCA but no completed. but i have 16 years of education.
I got 6 years of IT experiance.
if i evaluate that papers will that be equal to bachelors degree???
can i join in MS?

please do clarify my doubts
i appreciate that
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AMIE Polytechnic Diploma

sree234 said:
I too have the Same doubt please can anyone clarify that

i did polytechnic diploma(3 years) and did polytechnic Advanced diploma(2 years)
After that i joined in MCA but no completed. but i have 16 years of education.
I got 6 years of IT experiance.
if i evaluate that papers will that be equal to bachelors degree???
can i join in MS?

please do clarify my doubts
i appreciate that

AMIE is not an university degree (In India they consider equivalent to BE for ony Govt jobs.Union Public Service Commision only), same as polytechinc diploma. Get MCA by correspondence course to overcome this difficulty and get MS admission in USA.