EEEEE....HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! from Wazzup


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys and Gals,

Finally it happened. \'Relieved\' is the word than anything else.

 RD 04/00
 FP 10/00
 RFE 6/13/01
 RFE reply received by INS 07/11/01
 Approved 07/14/01 per AVM...
 Yet to receive the Courtesy Copy.

Personally it was very stressfull on the whole family of not having a GC.
Came to this country to do a Masters 11 years ago. Was a student for 2.5 yrs, practical training 1 yr, H-1 6 yrs and EAD for the rest of the time.

Gone through a tough time when going to social gatherings (Indian Community) where the first topic of discussion would be whether or not you have a GC. Felt bad sometimes answering that question, when asked by people who just got here into this country a couple of years ago and have already got their GC.

It is about time I got a break. And here is the moment. I am going to fully utilize it.

Good luck to you all out there in the line.
No Title

Congrats. I understand how you must have felt when asked about your GC. I have had similar expeirneces. Folks who, luckily for them, get their GCs in 1.5 to 2 years might not really understand the pain we go through when such comparisons are made. While I understand that GC provides security, I dont understand how this improves ones social status at a gathering. But thats how it is and we have to take it with a pinch of salt. Good luck.
No Title

Congrats. You deserve it.
I understand your situation without GC in Indian Community as I went through all those problems and still going through.
