EB3 PD 2000, do I stand any chance ??


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My 140/485 is pending since DEC 2004 although nc/sc cleared in Jan 2007 and my Lobor (EB3) PD is 2000. I have been calling USCIS, Senators getting same response under "Extended Review" ?

Does there any one else has Pending i140 as well ?? so what should I do ? Any help/idea/advice will be highly appriciated.
Hi Punjabi 007,
I am also EB3 PD sept 2001. I have been stuck in Extended review since last 4 yrs. All my enquires through Senetor/ Lawyer / USCIS are of no use as I always get back the same responsethat case is unser Extended REview and will take time. (We do not know how long). So I guess all we can do is just wait. I have already filed my 7th EAD last month.
If you hear anything about this Extended review do let me know too.
Hello SapRachna

I can feel your pain and will let you know if I have any delopment on my case, by the way is your i140 is approved ???
With NSC.

This looks scary, 4 years under extended review. I am expecting at least I will get mine once my PD becomes current. I lost hope after seeing both your cases current but not approved yet. Do you know why certain cases are under Extended Review. I heard some time back from my attorney they pick up randomly, but I couldn't guess what is different in my file. It should be very simple and straight forward.

I am with NSC and under Extended Review. Heard about this first time when I called NSC in June 2007 when my PD was current. My attorney it self treats mine is very unlucky case even though it is very simple case. I some how lost to get the approval in March 2005 with every one else but got RFE for EVL which was responded in 24 hours. Till now no updates on the online status after they received the response in March 2005.

Called NSC several times and 3 opened SR's every time says "Actively processing your case however, may take longer ......". When I called recently they told mine is still pending (not mentioned Extended Review this time) SR to SR gap is 6 months. I am eligible to open SR now but waiting to become my PD current.

Till now on same H1-B (9th year), same company, no AC21. Keeping EAD and AP's also in case wants to change job.

I have seen many people with older PD's missed in June/July 2007, but approved recently. Is any one under Extended Review for quite some time and approved recently?
Same Story.....7th EAD Filed

I have been enquiring since last 5 years but am in extended Review. Get the same standard message from USCIS that "Actively processing this case but will take more time as its under additional review." Don't know why, No Clue.
I recently filed my 7th EAD and still waiting.
My I-140 got approved in May 2002.
If you get some info on this Extended review / Additional information please let us know.
Please write both senators, congresssmen and ombudsman. Write each with 2 week gap. So you can do follow up with each in every 60 days. That's the onlyway out. Follow-up them tireless. GOOD LUCK!!!

This looks scary, 4 years under extended review. I am expecting at least I will get mine once my PD becomes current. I lost hope after seeing both your cases current but not approved yet. Do you know why certain cases are under Extended Review. I heard some time back from my attorney they pick up randomly, but I couldn't guess what is different in my file. It should be very simple and straight forward.

I am with NSC and under Extended Review. Heard about this first time when I called NSC in June 2007 when my PD was current. My attorney it self treats mine is very unlucky case even though it is very simple case. I some how lost to get the approval in March 2005 with every one else but got RFE for EVL which was responded in 24 hours. Till now no updates on the online status after they received the response in March 2005.

Called NSC several times and 3 opened SR's every time says "Actively processing your case however, may take longer ......". When I called recently they told mine is still pending (not mentioned Extended Review this time) SR to SR gap is 6 months. I am eligible to open SR now but waiting to become my PD current.

Till now on same H1-B (9th year), same company, no AC21. Keeping EAD and AP's also in case wants to change job.

I have seen many people with older PD's missed in June/July 2007, but approved recently. Is any one under Extended Review for quite some time and approved recently?
Thanks Anand.

That is what I am planning exactly but as soon as Visa Bulletin says I am current.

I am thinking of sending to all (Congressmen, Senator and Ombudsman) together but I will give 15 days gap.
Hi VVVunlucky,
Any update on your case? Are you planning for WOM. I am thinking about it too . Do you know how many other people who were stuck in extended review got approved without filing WOM or the ones that got approved after filing WOM.I just want to confirm that because I do not want that the court tells us to wait also as its under extended review.
I am not current yet and my attorney thinks he can inquire again once my PD is current.

So I want to wait for some more time till my PD becomes current. If I don't get any response after 6 months of being current, then I will go for WOM.

After seeing you people, WOM is only the option and they are not touching these extended cases.

My main interest is why only some cases are in extended review without any reason? Is it simply luck? or random selection? (I don't see any reason mine under extended review).

I have seen many people got responses as extended review in 2007 most of them are approved.

So I am not sure if extended review is the word misused by many IIO's for long time pending cases
Extended Review may be quicker for some people and longer for some.

I am in dilemma right now whether my extended review is a real one which may take years or it is used just by the IIO. If I know the reason why my case is under extended review, I would have decided easily. I don't see any issue with my case. I have never been out of status or never in a confused job status.

I will decide once I am current and based on the response from congress, senators and my attorney.
Search for some posts by birdaz, duncanidaho, and some vik3000 (or may be june1506) to know more about extended review. I was following up on this topic since June 2007 after I heard first time I am in extended review.
any update Punjabi007

Hi punjabi007,
Any update in your case? have you heard anything from USCIS. you are a vvvvvvvvvvery old timer waiting for GC... wish you get approved soon. are you still under extended review? Did you try to find out anything as to how much longer?
please reply as your message will be benificial for myself and vvvunlucky as we are both in the same boat as you.
Hi punjabi007,
Any update in your case? have you heard anything from USCIS. you are a vvvvvvvvvvery old timer waiting for GC... wish you get approved soon. are you still under extended review? Did you try to find out anything as to how much longer?
please reply as your message will be benificial for myself and vvvunlucky as we are both in the same boat as you.

No, I have not heard anything ...still extended review ...just gave up for now.
I am on the same boat. Extended review for quite some time. My PD is NOV 2001. I have send many mails but get the same reply. Now I don't think anything will happen till OCT-08.
