EB3 99 ND filers, pl respond


Registered Users (C)
Lets actually see how many EB3 filers with ND 99 do exist as ISN members. TThat way we can keep close track of how 99 files get approved. Please post details so that we can keep track ...... Thanks
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> My info VSC: EB3 with I-485 ND 5/10/99, PD - 2/96 , FP - 3/9/00. Anyone with similar details,
please be in touch.
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     Here are my details. EB3 India. PD Aug 96. RD 8th Nov 99. ND 17th Nov 99. FP Waiting.
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My details

RD 08/04/99 ND 08/24/99. EB3 VSC India. PD 09/97.
FP done on 06/26/00
Please add my info.
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EB3; IN; PD 1/96; RD 4/99; ND 5/99; FP 3/00;
Do you all think EB3 quota for IN is over? Do we really have to
wait for one more year? How frustrating!!
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My details are PD oct 1996, EB-3, RD- 8/3/1999, ND - 8/24/1999.
FP- still waiting.
