EB3/18-NOV-2003 - 140/485 Approved


Registered Users (C)
Got the email today that my 140/485 were approved. There has been nothing in my life that has kept me as anxious as this email has kept me.

I have been a silent daily visitor of this forum for a long time and it seems only fair that I inform you about this so that it helps as reference point to many who are waiting. It will happen - good or bad it's always for a reason.

God bless.

140/485 Concurrent
RD: 18/Nov/2003
ND: 18/Nov/2003
EAD1 Approval: 31/Dec/2003
AP1 Approval: 31/Dec/2003
EAD2 Approval: 21/Dec/2004
AP2 Approval: DID NOT FILE
140/485 Approval: 25/JAN/2004 (TODAY!!!-WOOHOO)
Congratulations whitefeather,

Are you from one of the retrogression effected countries(India, China or Phil) and what is ur Priority date.
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I'm sorry guys I am not aware of my priority date, besides I am a case of substitute labor. I'll have to look up my priority date - will post it soon.

Secondly, I am from the country that is not affected by the retrogression, therefore I am not sure what the story is regarding 485 approvals for retrogressed countries.

By the way, do you know what happens now (once 485 approval email is received)?
whitefeather said:
By the way, do you know what happens now (once 485 approval email is received)?

You or your attorney will recieve a notice on the mail. With that and your passport you need to go to the local INS office to get it stamped.
Congrats !!
This is great news. I thought that with the Ohata Memo out, we will not see more concurrent approvals (only 140s). Great news.