EB2/NIW petition organisation - Can I punch I-140 ?


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My EB2 NIW petition is around 400 pages. So, I thought of binding (with punched holes and prong fasteners). My question is: is it OK to punch holes on I-140 and ETA 750 B ?.

Hey guys,

What are your thoughst about concurrent filing of I-140 with I-485? Is there someone who could help me file this myself? I'd like to contact you by email on a regular basis if you don't mind. I just need someone to critique my cover letter and advise me how to collate my documents. I'm thinking of filing them in a see through plastic holder and put them in a binder. i'd like to use a 1-inch binder and if my documents won't fit, I'll add extra binder. please please help me!