EB2 NIW Approved


Registered Users (C)

I am one of the old timer in this discussion group! Finally got approval for NIW with following details:

ND: 12/14/00
RFE: 08/13/01
RFE Response : Sometime last week of August
AD: 10/15/01 opt for CP

Approval for CP received on 10/25/01 by mail.

Petition description:

Self Petition (No Lawyer involved), M.S. Environmental Professional Approximately ten years of versatile experience ranging from R&D, Construction and Environmental Management, Emergency Management, etc.

Presently Principal Investigator and Project Manager for federally funded project with five Ph.D.s working on it and several RAs. One international conference publication, several presentations.
EB2 NIW Approved - Clarification


I understand the relief you might be feeling.

I am also applying for EB2-NIW with Env. Engg. background. I was wondering which service center did your app. go to? Also:

1. How many ref. letters did u get?
2. What was the major concerns in your RFE?
3. What will be your advice/suggestions for EB-2 NIW with Masters in Env. application. I have about 7.5 yrs of experience.

Thank you for your time. Once again, Congratulations!



Sorry for late response! But following are the answers to your questions:

1. I applied to VSC.

2. With I-140 I submitted two letters and with RFE I submitted 3 more letters. (I would say outh of total five letters, four were highly supportive while one was nominal).

3. The major concern for RFE was standard one: NYSDoT Case. Hence to justify that my work is in National interest and to waive labor certication requirement.

4. I am not sure what you worked in last 7.5 years in the field. But generally speaking, I would say, read the standard requirements for NIW petition. If you think you are eligible for most of them then do consider. Please understand that you need to have strong reference letters in support of your case. Number of letters or years of experience will not matter if you have right work experience and convincing petition.

It is my experience that your petition is the thing that will make or brake your case. I know from this group or otherwise at least few people who has really good experience but still got rejection. I feel one of the possible cause could be the presentation of the case.

Hope this will help you to think further and take the appropriate action(s).

Good Luck.
How you respond to RFE for waiving Labor Cert.? Thanks

I hope to get some insights from you if you don\'t mind. I applied the EB2-NIW in VSC (self-petition, no lawyer). I just got RFE today saying that they are satisfied with the requirements of intrinsic merit and national in scope. But they are not persuaded that the national interest would be adversely affected if labor cert. were required. (I am a Ph.D candidate).How do you think to respond that? Did you just reply with more reference letters?
Re: How you respond to RFE for waiving Labor Cert.?

I got the similar RFE for my petition. The question is related with the infamous NY State DoT case.

Basically in that question, NIW means "waiving the condition for Labor Certification - which is their National Interest - as your presence is more important than the LC" etc.

My suggetsion to you based on what I did; will be:

1. Have more reference letters - preferably if the writer says you are of exceptional/extraordinary ability that will be great.

2. If you are running any funded project (In my case I am PI/PM of federally funded project), list all who are working (not names but positions) for the same and let them know how many total jobs created due to that project.

3. If #2 is not applicable being Ph.D. candidate, you can justify your research, publication that is helping to create the jobs or to develop technology etc. that can be of prime importance to the US national interest.

4. Respond point wise to their RFE.

I hope this will help you.

Good Luck!!!
Congratulations, need to submit ETA-750 part B with NIW petition?

Vdesh1, congratulations to your NIW petition. Did you include ETA-750 part B with your petition? Do we have to submit it with NIW? If so, do I have to fill in item 8 and 9 about job offer and occupation? How to mark and answer the item 10 in that form? I would appreciate if anybody can give an answer.

To vdesh1- I appreciate your help very much!

I suspect officer wants to see more "realized" benefit instead of "prospective" benefit to the US. Actually my research directly focused on U.S. labor market but they may more likely to see how much jobs you did create.

Thanks for your insight.