EB1b REF help!!

Many Thanks for all the suggestions.
I work in a world renowed lab and our work is pioneering in this field. The thing is if there is any discussions about our work, it's always referred as Dr--'s group. My name has never being mentioned. How should i deal with it? Please advice.
I agree with your guys about my attorney. The thing is i already paid all the money (almost 6000 bucks) to him. I guess i'll have to stick with him for the REF.

6000 bucks for such shoddy work is daylight robbery. Drop the word going to the "disciplinary board" or a malpractice suit with him. Should light a fire under his tuchas.

Cant get around the fact that your group is being alluded to, as the senior researcher's group. You could mention all these references & write in your letter that this is normal parlance, and doesnt take away from the rest of the group; next get his Dr.-- you mention, to write a letter that you deserve a lot of credit in your own right, and this reference is only a colloquialism and everyone acknowledges your achievement also. Basically, tackling an RFE comes down to being street smart.
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