EB1A, suggestions please!


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Hi, folks,

I am preparing for EB1A application. I need your suggestions and advices.

Here are my credentials:

1 Full member of Sigma Xi (Some guys said that CIS does not accept Sigma Xi, but I want to claim it since my major is mathematics, only a few mathematicians are members of Sigma Xi (math & computer science---6%))

2 Member of AMS (Every math major can be a member of AMS, but I am also a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews. I was chosen due to publications)

3. 20 journal papers (17 first-authered) (You know, for math major, it is very difficult to publish papers)

4. 16 citations (I do not want to claim it) (indeed, most math papers has very low citation)

4. Review papers for 3 journals, 1 textbook, 2 proposals

5. 2 international conference talks

6. 6 reference letters (3 are independent)

7. Tenure track assistant professor in math

From this forum, I see that some guys get ref or denial. So is my case worth a shot for EB1A? (by the way, I want to DIY)

Thanks, buddys.
SInce you have tenure track position, I think you should apply through EB1 OR, instead of EB1EA.
SInce you have tenure track position, I think you should apply through EB1 OR, instead of EB1EA.

Thanks for your reply.

According to my university's schedule, my application should be initiated next year.

We do not know what will happen next year.

That's why i want to file EB1A without seeking sponsor from our university.
You can apply for EB1-EA without impacting your EB1-OR application in future. I applied for EB1 myself, and shortly afterwards, my employer applied for EB1-OR on my behalf. Both petitions were approved at about the same time in about a couple of months. I decided to apply for I-485 based on EB1-EA. So go ahead, and apply for EB1-EA. But do your homework first. Make sure that you submit a strong and well prepared application. Otherwise, you'll get RFE's.
As pkafir just wrote, you have to do your homework ;)

1 Full member of Sigma Xi (Some guys said that CIS does not accept Sigma Xi, but I want to claim it since my major is mathematics, only a few mathematicians are members of Sigma Xi (math & computer science---6%))
The fact that math and computer sciences make for only 6% of the Sigma Xi members does not necessarily prove that Sigma Xi is particularly selective for Mathematicians. It could prove only that not that many Mathematicians are interested in Sigma Xi, or that Mathematicians are indeed a small fraction of those involved with Sigma Xi. (Sorry, playing devils' advocate ;) ). It is going to be weak for criterion (ii)

2 Member of AMS (Every math major can be a member of AMS, but I am also a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews. I was chosen due to publications)
Will be hard to sell, but could work...

3. 20 journal papers (17 first-authered) (You know, for math major, it is very difficult to publish papers)
It is indeed difficult, and the number should be enough for criterion (vi)

4. 16 citations (I do not want to claim it) (indeed, most math papers has very low citation)
You will have to support the claim that your work is outstanding though for criterion (v), and citations help. 16 citations for 20 papers does not look too good... especially becasue (v) calls for "contributions of major significance" in your field. Even in math, such contributions would have quite a few citations. Remember that some of your papers should not be like "most math papers" . So be careful with this kind of statement. You are supposed to be in the few percent that raise at the top of your field...

4. Review papers for 3 journals, 1 textbook, 2 proposals
Not necessarily enough for claiming (iv).

5. 2 international conference talks
Were they invited? That would help for (v).

6. 6 reference letters (3 are independent)
Well, hopefully they are from major players in the field.

At the end, you are left with tentitavely (v) and (vi), though you will need some nice wrapping to make the package appealing. Which one are you going to choose as third criterion? (iv) will be tough, and (ii) also.

Just trying to help make you realize what you will have to focus on, if you decide to go for EB1-EA. From what you have preented so far, it is going to be a difficult one. As others wrote though, efficient wrapping and a bit of luck could make you succeed.

As pkafir just wrote, you have to do your homework ;)

1 Full member of Sigma Xi (Some guys said that CIS does not accept Sigma Xi, but I want to claim it since my major is mathematics, only a few mathematicians are members of Sigma Xi (math & computer science---6%))
The fact that math and computer sciences make for only 6% of the Sigma Xi members does not necessarily prove that Sigma Xi is particularly selective for Mathematicians. It could prove only that not that many Mathematicians are interested in Sigma Xi, or that Mathematicians are indeed a small fraction of those involved with Sigma Xi. (Sorry, playing devils' advocate ;) ). It is going to be weak for criterion (ii)

2 Member of AMS (Every math major can be a member of AMS, but I am also a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews. I was chosen due to publications)
Will be hard to sell, but could work...

3. 20 journal papers (17 first-authered) (You know, for math major, it is very difficult to publish papers)
It is indeed difficult, and the number should be enough for criterion (vi)

4. 16 citations (I do not want to claim it) (indeed, most math papers has very low citation)
You will have to support the claim that your work is outstanding though for criterion (v), and citations help. 16 citations for 20 papers does not look too good... especially becasue (v) calls for "contributions of major significance" in your field. Even in math, such contributions would have quite a few citations. Remember that some of your papers should not be like "most math papers" . So be careful with this kind of statement. You are supposed to be in the few percent that raise at the top of your field...

4. Review papers for 3 journals, 1 textbook, 2 proposals
Not necessarily enough for claiming (iv).

5. 2 international conference talks
Were they invited? That would help for (v).

6. 6 reference letters (3 are independent)
Well, hopefully they are from major players in the field.

At the end, you are left with tentitavely (v) and (vi), though you will need some nice wrapping to make the package appealing. Which one are you going to choose as third criterion? (iv) will be tough, and (ii) also.

Just trying to help make you realize what you will have to focus on, if you decide to go for EB1-EA. From what you have preented so far, it is going to be a difficult one. As others wrote though, efficient wrapping and a bit of luck could make you succeed.


Chris, thank you so much for your nice comments.

Regarding my publication, is it better for me to claim a part of my publication? (Papers published in good journals)

Then I will have about 16 papers and about 20 independent citations .

Recently, I was invited to review papers for another two journal. Also, I am an reviewer for Mathematical Reviews.

Adding these together, is it ok to claim (iv)?

Yes, I will not claim the membership as REF is difficult to reply.

Many thanks.
Sincerely, If I were you, I would wait for next year. Is it really urgent that you need it right now, sorry I might be going in the wrong direction probably personal. I beg your pardon. But it is true. Just sit and think .....anyway visas are not available right now, need to wait till Oct 2007. If it is a matter of only couple of months why not wait for next year. Most of the time EB1 will be current, so you are not working for a priority date technically. So why ???
You will save on money, university lawyer will take up the case, you provide the evidence, he will run the show.....So why???
Sincerely, If I were you, I would wait for next year. Is it really urgent that you need it right now, sorry I might be going in the wrong direction probably personal. I beg your pardon. But it is true. Just sit and think .....anyway visas are not available right now, need to wait till Oct 2007. If it is a matter of only couple of months why not wait for next year. Most of the time EB1 will be current, so you are not working for a priority date technically. So why ???
You will save on money, university lawyer will take up the case, you provide the evidence, he will run the show.....So why???

Many thanks.

My application should be started next year. Bu who knows what will happen next year? At least, most my colleagues (have been here for 3 to 4 years) even have not get their application statred.

None cares, except ourselves.

That is the reason why I want to do it by myself.
Ya! If you see a pattern of no job done, I will take back my words.
My theory, it all lies in the COVER LETTER, if that is right, things will fall in right place. Good Luck.
Ya! If you see a pattern of no job done, I will take back my words.
My theory, it all lies in the COVER LETTER, if that is right, things will fall in right place. Good Luck.

Thanks, Rama,

To be frank, I get almost everything done (petition letter, reference letters, and other supporting documents). But my case is not strong, I do not want to be in a rush.

I need more time to revise my cover letter again and again. So, your vaulable advice to help me to improve the petition letter is greatly appreciated.

I will file I-140 only. If I am lucky, then go ahead. Otherwise, I will wait for my university to sponsor me for EB2 through special handling (LC first, then I-140).
