EB1A RFE help

I am still worried about my case , I am trying my best but I am not sure how the officer will look into my case, is it ok to give to the reference to this appel which was overruled, approved and I can compare some of his points and show how it is similar or better than appeal.

I am sure I will stress 3 points which you mentioned, give me your thoughts.

Still worried
I just send my RFE response. How long will it take to decide the case?
The case is looking good but I am still worried about the outcome?
Chipman said:
I just send my RFE response. How long will it take to decide the case?
The case is looking good but I am still worried about the outcome?

Between some days to several month. Depending on USCIS and/or god (which might be the same)
Chipman said:
I just send my RFE response. How long will it take to decide the case?
The case is looking good but I am still worried about the outcome?

Chipman, I have a private message for you. Please check it. Thanks.

More than 100 citations of your work (first author or not); having reviewed about 50 papers; both of these conditions should get one through. I am assuming that if you satisified these conditions, you published better than av papers and went to conferences etc. In addition if you have a regular faculty position, satisfying review criteria is not difficult. As a new faculty one is made to sit on numerous with in and outside committees. If you were ever on a search committee or a conference panel the job is half done.

In my opinion the most important thing is the letters, strong letters from high-visibility leaders who are willing to say that you are one of the best (even if you are not). They ought to say in the letters things that u and I wont say about ourselves wo being embarrased.