EB1A-RFE from TSC please help....


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Dear friends

I received the RFE from TSC after PP, it pretty much listed all 10 criteria. I did through the lawyer. Here are my credential.

I don't understand where to start from. I will appreciate any comments.

Ph.D from Iindia in Microbiology

9 original articles (7 1st author, impact 3 to 4, mostly new in 06), 6 in submission (3 1st author), citation >30 (including self)
1 invited review
1 chaper in conference manual
15 conference presenation
3 invited speaker
I patent just filed
4 journal reviewer (reviewed > 10 paper)
3 scientific society member (including ASM and Sigma Xi)
2 journal editorial board (not a great journal, but online new journal)
1 postdoc fellowship
1 travel grant
1 small grant from foundation
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My RFE contains

First please indicate clearly which 3 criteria you meet. Then submit evidence to support this. the service has received the previously submitted evidences and determined that it was not sufficeint.

1. submited evidence not sufficeint for national international award.
(did not claim, but just mentioned that i received travel grant and fellowship.)2.

2. the evidence did not indicate that membership in any of the sosciety requires outsatnding achievements. ( did not strongly claimed but put it there)

3. judge of work of others in not sufficeint, ...peer review is scientific obligtion..evidence that you reviewed unusually high number of manuscripts, received multiple independent reguests ( we claimed this)

4. published material in major trade journal, the published material must show that your work is of major significnace ( we submitted 9 letters of support, from top tier scientist in my field)

5. the sumitted evidenced fails to establish that you have made an original scientific. scolarly or business related contribution. for eaxamle holding patent isnot considered....submit evidence that patent is being used.. ( we metioned that paten filed, but never emphasised)

6. we reveived evidence redaarding your scholarly articles, please submit evidence of citation an evidenve that these arrticles are indacative of extraoridinary ability and sustained national and international acclaim ( we submitted publication, but not the citation)

7.submitted evidence fails to establish that you have played a leading or critical role for orginazations that have distinguished reputation... to meet this criterion, you must submit evidence that you played leading role... also evidence to establish the distinguished reputation of the organisation. ( i belive we never claimed this)

8. have you commanded a high salary for services compared to others for a sustained period, please submit statictical comparison from ecomonic research institutes to esatablish this (again we never claimed it)

B. Submit evidence that you are of that small percentage who has arisen to the very top of the filed of endeavor
hi tipotodo thanks for the resposne could you please provide me the refernce letters which you gave to Eclipse.

thanks a lot
Hi tipotodo

I got EB-1A RFE from TSC yesterday.I read the thread posted by Eclipse about general RFE. It really helps a lot.

I did not collect new reference letters for Eb-1A but just used the photocopies of the letters for my NIW ( which was approved 10/2006). Those letters were written specifically for NIW, they are probably not good enough for EB-1a. Could you please PM me some reference letters for EB-1A I appreciate it!
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